staring rule to – 596 points –

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Or "have we run out of natural yoghurt, we bought that 500ml pottle last week but we had curry twice, maybe I should get some more..."

This is me. I have to really watch where I'm zoning out because I have absolutely been called out for staring when my brain was miles away.

Me too, it's like the boring version of those "reveries" in Westworld.

Don't worry.get enough PTSD and you can have the cool version too!

I did this once in freshman year HS. I was sitting on my friend's desk zoned out staring at a book on someone else's desk, and I came out of it when a girl said "THOSE ARE BOOBS"

Idk how long I was staring, but I was still kinda pissed because she was just standing in front of me for no discernable reason.

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