Cannot view posts on reddit in browser from search. to – 148 points –

Old reddit still works, but trends don't look good.

Sadly the death is near.


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Some of the valuable discussions are present there in old threads,

I ended up there from purely organic search results.

I still pop onto Reddit for the same reasons. There's no point in limiting your ability to work and learn by avoiding Reddit links altogether. Especially if you're trying to make the internet a better place here, knowledge is helpful

As for the mobile Reddit popups, I added a few ublock origin filters that seem to be helping. See this other post

Absolutely. Often there are no fucking useful search results on Google at all besides Reddit threads…

If you use Kagi you can block the entire site and let better results float up.

Reddit has always been one of the most useful sources of information for a very long time. Hell the only sources I could get information for troubleshooting the PC upgrades I'm going through are from Reddit.

And that's basically all Reddit is for me now, the end result of a Google search looking for specific information.