Iran launches dozens of drones toward Israel to World – 199 points –
Iran launches dozens of drones toward Israel

Inb4 lemmy supports Iran


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This is just more tankie bullshit. Russia and Iran have been getting buddy-buddy like crazy, especially right before the whole Hamas attack on Israel thing in fall last year. And of course, Iran feeds Hamas war materiel.

Russia is trying to make a war on multiple fronts to exhaust the US and make Biden unpopular while also running a campaign on social media to make Biden look bad and interfere with the 2024 election.

In other words, Russia REALLY wants Trump to win so they can end their expensive and punishing war in Ukraine and come out looking like they won something. Also, trump has made it clear that Israel would get free rein to "finish the problem."

Yeah israel committing Genocide and bombing the Iranian consulate is actually Putins masterplan to make Trump win.

Libs reaching QAnon levels of cope. Vote for God Emperor Biden everyone! He was forced into supporting Genocide!

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  • These aide workers are actually Hamas
  • Hamas is actually Iran
  • Iran is actually Russia

This is so disconnected from reality. The most obvious flaw is the blatant fact that nobody loves Trump and wants Trump to win more than Netanyahu. Israel is a chud-nation.

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