How my morning is going... to Mildly – 306 points –

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Equifax leak. Half of Americans' SSNs are on the dark web.

Those fuckers got away so nicely for having such shitty security practices. They have the nerve to ask me to sign up for a paid subscription every time I log in to check my score with them.

Motherfucker, I don’t even want to use your services for free. I’m required to as long as I have to play the credit game and it’s honestly really unfair you get to stay in business and barely got a slap on the wrist for all the shit you caused for millions of people.

Yep, I'm in the unlucky half. It's good practice anyway, but now I keep my credit frozen at all three credit bureaus unless I'm submitting an application. Doesn't stop all fraud, but stops most of the kind that can fuck up my credit.

You may also want to freeze Lexis Nexis and Innovis as well - they buy and sell your data as well

Fuck, I've never even heard of those. This whole system is garbage, how am I supposed to know how to protect myself from fraud when these companies just somehow automatically have authority to let thieves steal my identity? At the very least we should have a centralized government agency that you can issue a blanket freeze with. Better would be an actual proper ID system.

That's only from one breach. I'd wager that at least 75% of our SSNs are out there since this is constantly happening.

I mean, it’s not like an SSN is secure at all. Add 1 to your SSN and that’s most likely a completely valid number for someone else

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Those never actually surfaced anywhere. General thought is that was probably a nation state that has no desire to sell them.

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