Wouldn't it be nice if instead of just bars with alcohol, there were establishments for people to consume cannabis while eating, playing board games, and socializing?

pineapplefriedrice@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 5 points –

If anything, cannabis seems like a much better (and more profitable) drug around which to build a leisurely establishment.


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No it wouldn't. I'm sick and tired of the childish argument that if we accept alcohol then we have to accept or introduce other substance abuses because some find it more appealing.

Why shouldn't we accept it? Its already poven to be better for you than alcohol, many people enjoy it, and a lot less deaths per year will be caused by wee than alcohol. Should people who don't want to drink not be allowed to have a place they can hang out similar to a bar?

Here we go again. People who don't want to drink alcohol can hang anywhere and still don't drink acohol. The unwillingness to drink alcohol or that "many people like it" are not actual arguments to introduce and use other health damaging substances rerdless of their nature and effects.

I just want constancy. Weed is less dangerous than alcohol. Ban both, legalize both, legalize weed but not alcohol, or keep things the way they are and drop the premise that it has anything to do with health and safety.

That "less dangerous" is so subjective and unfounded that I'm not going to address.

On the other hand do you think it's a good idea to think in extremes? Alcohol is rooted in our culture since literally thousands of years to get it out is almost impossible now but we can struggle for moderation. Weed as we find it on the market didn't even exist 100 years ago. So maybe it's a good idea to introduce it get it common as alcohol so in 50 years we will have the problems with alcohol and with weed on top. Smart.

Then we can go further to other drugs because we cant leave them outside. We have to be consistent and some people really like it.