YouTube puts third-party clients on notice: Show ads or get blocked to – 418 points –
YouTube puts third-party clients on notice: Show ads or get blocked

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Please download and archive your favorite channels and videos!

Host them yourself to watch them locally.

Especially do this for educational material, share it wide and far!

We are entering a very dark age of techno-dystopia, we need to fight it with everything we have. Pirate, seed, screen-record, download, archive, share, never give up.

Quick shout out to yt-dlp. It comes everything you need to download, transcode, and even use Sponsorblock!

I also recommend NewPipe for Android. It lets you download in multiple formats and shows comments in a mobile format (you can get it through the F-Droid store or from github.)

Made a script/cron job to auto dl new videos from my favorite channels with ytdlp and then they are hosted through jellyfin. Archived forever, ad free, accessible to me from anywhere.