Bernie Sanders issues scathing statement directed at Netanyahu to World – 464 points –
Bernie Sanders issues scathing statement directed at Netanyahu

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Wait, I thought you never said that?

That paper ignores people's capacity to pay.

Even the Bible recognizes that a poor widow's mite is a bigger ask than a wealthy person's contribution of a larger portion of their income. That was written two thousand years ago, but somehow conservatives still haven't come to the same obvious conclusion.

Our society is specifically set up to funnel money to oligarchs, and then they cry about having to contribute to that system? Boo fucking hoo.

Why are you quoting the bible? The bible also says I shouldn't eat shellfish. Leave your sky God out of the discussion.

That paper ignores people’s capacity to pay.

People need to be responsible for their finances. The answer isn't to make other people pay your way in life. As California and New York learned, people will leave and their budgets are wrecked.

If you actually read what I wrote you'd understand my point.

Nothing you said to me is a response to my post.

Try again.

Your peacocking value judgement is adorable, but irrelevant.

No, it answers what you said but you choose to think otherwise.

I will make it simple for you.

Elon typically earns 1 dollar per year.

How much should he pay in taxes on that 1 dollar?

Your point is invalid. High-income earners already pay more in taxes, not only as a percentage but also as a total of their income.

You don't see the irony in wanting others to pay more but not wanting to pay more yourself.

I will make it simple for you.

Elon typically earns 1 dollar per year.

How much should he pay in taxes on that 1 dollar?

And I'll add back in the context that you're desperate to jettison.

Let's look at a situation that resembles the real world:

Elon Musk earns about $1.5 billion dollars/year with an estimated net worth of about $150 billion.

The median American income is about $70k/year with an estimated net worth of $193k

Musk should be taxed at 90% like we did for top earners during the biggest economic expansion in our nation's history.

Your point is invalid. High-income earners already pay more in taxes, not only as a percentage but also as a total of their income.

And that wasn't my point; you're trying to change the argument because you know you're wrong.

You don't see the irony in wanting others to pay more but not wanting to pay more yourself.

I would love for you to point out where I said I wouldn't be willing to pay more in taxes. This accusation is a confession, it seems.

Elon Musk earns about $1.5 billion dollars/year with an estimated net worth of about $150 billion.

False. Elon does not earn $1.5 billion a year. That is not his income. His net worth has nothing to do with his income.

Musk should be taxed at 90% like we did for top earners during the biggest economic expansion in our nation’s history.

That is also false. Income was taxed at 90%, not wealth. We have never taxed wealth because it is unconstitutional. Also, the tax code was very different back then, and only 1 person ever paid that level of tax. People had many more deductions than they do now.

And that wasn’t my point; you’re trying to change the argument because you know you’re wrong. No, I am right, as you demonstrated here that you don't know the difference between income, wealth, and even how taxes have worked historically.

I would love for you to point out where I said I wouldn’t be willing to pay more in taxes. This accusation is a confession, it seems.

How much more do you think your tax bracket should pay to keep the current rates for all the other brackets?

I'm done pretending you're a serious person arguing seriously.

Anyone can say "nuh-uh."

I also never said wealth was taxed. I said his income should be taxed (in response to your question).

You're misrepresenting my argument at every step like you always do. Your sealion question at the end is irrelevant; you have no idea how much I earn, and I'm not here to impress Internet strangers like you seem to be. Bet you're real close to that billion though if you keep grinding!

Bet it burns you up that you can't ban me from here.

I also never said wealth was taxed. I said his income should be taxed (in response to your question). then why did you bring up Elon's wealth?

You’re misrepresenting my argument at every step like you always do.

Then, be more clear. Don't blame me because you can't articulate your thoughts well. You are talking about wealth but claim you are not talking about wealth. Elon does not earn $1.5 billion per year. That is factually inaccurate.

Your sealion question at the end is irrelevant; you have no idea how much I earn, and I’m not here to impress Internet strangers like you seem to be. You said you would pay more but when asked, it's now sealioning? Never asked how much you earned. I asked how much more your bracket should pay since you said you would pay more.

Bet you’re real close to that billion though if you keep grinding! Not even close and not even a goal of mine.

Bet it burns you up that you can’t ban me from here. It's so weird you try to turn everything personal instead of having a discussion. Instead of trying to talk about me, why not engage in the discussion?

Funny how you're always the only one who has trouble understanding me.

That isn't true at all.

So can you back up any of your claims like Elon makes 1.5 billion a year in income or are we just done for now?

If I did would it change your mind?

If not, why should I bother? This isn't germaine, it's a distraction because you don't want to argue the actual point.

Stop trying to turn this into a discussion about me. I am acting in good faith.

You can't just make a claim and then refuse to back it while trying to have a real discussion.

You will see someone else brought up loans, and I agree that is an issue. That is why the ultra-wealthy can avoid taxes, and that is a problem we can solve without violating the Constitution.

Would it change your mind?

If not, it's irrelevant. So why are you so hung up on that?

You're playing games because you don't want to discuss the actual issue.

Fair enough, I understand you'll lose the debate.

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