Russian soldier murder rate soars 900% on return from Ukraine war to World – 327 points –
Murder rates among Russian soldiers surge amid ‘chronic mental health’ issues

Up to 113 active Russian servicemen were convicted in 2023 - a near 900 per cent increase on just 13 in 2022

The number of Russian soldiers committing murder after returning home from the frontline have soared over the past few years amid “chronic mental health” issues linked to serving on the battlefield.

Data from Moscow’s judicial department showed that 113 active servicemen were convicted in 2023 - representing a near 900 per cent increase on just 13 convictions in 2022.

The UK Ministry of Defence said the high number of homicides was likely due to “war-related chronic mental health issues” and the release of thousands of ex-convictspardoned for their participation in the war.


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russia is completely fucked and I think the world might be better off that way.

Power vacuums and breakaway republics forming from the decaying corpse of an empire with the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons is probably not going to leave the world better off.

I guarantee that in the event of a Russian implosion the US and China will swoop in to secure nuclear assets. China especially because they want Russian land for mining.

Ah sure, like last time

This is completely different scenario from the 90s.

China wants a nice hunk of Siberia. What better way to achieve that goal than "securing WMDs"?

This isn't a movie where there is a definitive implosion moment when foreign powers will able to just waltz in and "secure" their mass stockpile of nuclear weapons, or all of their ICBM silos.

This is a massive country with a distributed nuclear triad who's capabilities are meant to withstand a first strike, and still be able to absorb a few more rounds of nuclear armageddon.

Guess again on how that scenario of foreign powers invading to capture their nuclear weapons would unfold.

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