Blinken urges Hamas to accept ‘extraordinarily generous’ ceasefire deal to World – 42 points –

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Hamas very much cares about Palestinian deaths. Which is why a 40 day ceasefire and then more Genocide is pointless.

Most unhinged comment

If by unhinged, you mean logical and accurate, then yes.

Since the Battle of Gaza in 2007, Hamas has used Palestinians as human shields, turned their hospitals and schools into war zones by shooting rockets from rooftops, and are currently stealing humanitarian aid and selling it to the Palestinians at extortionate prices. You honestly can’t be serious.

Edit: NATO has documented multiple violations of the Geneva Convention by Hamas putting innocent civilians in harms way, as stated above. Neither the IDF nor Hamas care to protect Palestinians.

This is just a pile of Israeli propaganda to discredit Hamas. None of it is specific or quantifiable, because anything specific would be disproven. Every hospital Israel lays siege to they claim is a Hamas command center, until it’s in ruins and they don’t find any supporting evidence. They whine about “human shields”, but the reality is that they live in an extremely dense territory with no real way to fully separate military and civilian uses, unlike Israel which does have the space but chooses to put military installations in residential areas anyways, just like how they put settlers on occupied, stolen Palestinian land.

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Your source starts with Israel says and you're calling others spreading propaganda???

Not only that, if they actually read the article, it’s just vague accusations from Israel and NATO, absolutely nothing specific, followed by a bunch of analysis that shows the claims are inaccurate and intentionally misleading.

Much better than Israel says, but still showing neither care about civilians.

Still doesn't give them the right to kill civilians

I’m not defending Israel, or criticizing Palestinians. I’m criticizing the comment that Hamas cares about Palestinian lives while there’s documentation of them putting them directly in harms way according to the Geneva Convention.

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