Survey finds that 60 firms are responsible for half of world’s plastic pollution to World – 505 points –
Survey finds that 60 firms are responsible for half of world’s plastic pollution

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I hate corporations so I am going to continue buying sugary bullshit that I don't need, and get pissed off at anyone who suggests I give the worst polluters less of my money

-the anti corporate position.

You did not listen to what i had said, you just repeated what was said above.

There are problems with blaming the individual. One is that you are not naming the individual, when you appeal to a nebulous blame, no one is at fault. Also, the sugary drinks you are referring to, are laced with the worlds 2 most addictive substances, has their impact on people lies about in falsified studies, and lobbies against its regulation by…. Corporations.

Blaming the individual is inefficient. And not conducive to actual change

so instead we get pissy about plastic straws, a regulation imposed on corporations by the government.

As far as i know there have been no regulations from the government over the use of plastic straws. Some companies use paper straws, but the market for plastic straws have largely not noticed, meaning the choice alone has not solved the problem. The problem remains. Regulation on the sale of plastic straws would have an immediate impact on the amount of straw plastic waste

Nah nah see if we can't solve it ourselves at home fully then we should just point our fingers and pretend that's all we can do. /s

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