Trump’s Naps Are Actually Worrying to politics – 116 points –
Trump’s Naps Are Actually Worrying

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But they shouldn’t be mere comic fodder, nor accepted as normal: They are a worrisome sign about a leading presidential candidate. If Trump can’t manage to stay awake during a trial when his very freedom is on the line, what are the chances that he will be able to focus on the intricacies of a spiraling regional war, a trade policy, or any new crisis that might face him if he returns to the White House?

This kind of bizarre hypothetical is so 2016. We are WAY past that. What are the chances he’ll be able to focus? Seriously? NONE! Just like last time!

Again, we all know the answer, so what is the friggin point of asking that question? Atlantic are you casting about for the mythical undecided voter or some other ridiculous thing?

Yeah, he’s not all there, no kidding. He’s a demented rapist fraud with thick slimy orange makeup who smells like shit. And he’s demanding to be instated as king! Why are you still - after ALL the shit he’s already pulled, after all you already know with 100% certainty - why are you still writing about him as any sort of normal person?

I can only come up with one reason, and it’s not a good one.

His very freedom is on the line.

Yeah yeah right, as if he's ever gonna see a prison cell from the inside. He might be an idiot but even he knows how corrupt and stupid the american justice system is.

At this point, are we sure he knows what a prison is? Or where he is at any given moment? Or half the alphabet?

Feels like his brain is halfway to soup

Of course he knows! His dear friend Jeffery Epstein was sentenced to prison back in 2008 in Florida when he pleaded guilty for his sex crimes and got a sweetheart deal from another Trump buddy, and later Labor Secretary, Alex Acosta. Ol' Jeff had a sweet deal where they let him out on work release for 12 hours a day, six days a week to work at his foundation where he had "women" flown in to have sex with. I'm sure Trump is expecting at least that much luxury (and sex with trafficked women) wherever he is sentenced.

Ah good ol’ Alex Acosta, the only state prosecutor to include the generous provision “or all the other crimes we might almost certainly find later” included in the plea deal. FFS.