Young Democrats face Gaza blowback as they try to mobilize students for Biden to politics – 256 points –
Young Democrats face Gaza blowback as they try to mobilize students for Biden | CNN Politics

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then make do with what you've got

No. This isn't what we have, this is what the wealthy elite have. We're not making do, we're drowning. We've been drowning. But everyone ignored the warnings so here we are.

humans have been making do with much less than what you have for hundreds of thousands of years. making do also does not necessarily exclude political action

That's right up there with, "better clean that plate, there's starving kids in China!"

It's that very history you mention that tells me it's time to stop supporting weak Democrats. Either we get someone strong enough to pull us back from the abyss or we're already fucked. This story has played out time and again from the Roman Empire to Post Colonial Africa. The compromise guy is put in charge and the authoritarian runs him over.

... so let's just speedrun it?

years ago, i lived in a community where someone had spray-painted the dumpster. it said something like "tear it all down and start over." i endorsed that at the time.

now i am way too invested in way too many people to see it go down like that.

Let's not run it. Let's march in the streets instead.

And Trump will improve that how? We already know he’ll make everything else worse.

Oh he won't. But neither will Biden.

Right. So maybe you should look at everything else they have done as president and realize there’s a lot more at stake in this election.

Hitler isn’t so bad if you overlook the Holocaust. He did build the autobahn after all.

Trump repealed 112 environmental regulations in one term, undoing over a decade’s worth of progress.

Biden just reenacted gender discrimination law that Obama created and Trump subsequently repealed.

SCOTUS repealed Affirmative Action, overturned Roe vs. Wade, and left protest law up to the states due to the heavily conservative appointments made by Trump.

Trump’s tax cuts expired for the low and middle classes in 2022, but the larger tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations continue through 2024. Biden’s tax proposal begins in 2025, with cuts for the low and middle class, and heavily increased taxes on the wealthy and corporations.

Russia will succeed in their invasion of Ukraine if the US fails to provide support, which is Trump’s position.

Trump also said the Israel’s biggest problem is recording their atrocities, and they should just finish what they started in Gaza.

I could go all day, but you get the point.