Young Democrats face Gaza blowback as they try to mobilize students for Biden to politics – 256 points –
Young Democrats face Gaza blowback as they try to mobilize students for Biden | CNN Politics

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What is the answer? People are commenting like they can just abstain and everything will work out. I’m commenting as an anti-Trump voter. Provide a suggestion that isn’t whining about bad choices and I’ll listen.

The answer is for people who voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries to apologize for putting us in this position. Otherwise they're just gonna do it again in 2028.

How would an apology for voting change anything in the next election? You’ve legitimately lost me.

It would demonstrate some self awareness from the people who created this situation. If they plan on behaving differently in the next primaries then it's worth it to hold my nose and vote for Biden again in the hopes of having someone substantially better in 2028.

The fact that there is no apology means whoever is elected in the 2028 primaries won't be any better. It's probably going to be HRC.

Are you talking about the DNC providing limited options in the primary, or those who voted in the primary? You can vote in any primary just by changing your registration. I’ve done it several times. I have no party loyalty. I’m loyal to my ideals and will vote in any primary that looks to benefit my ideals best.

You can vote in any primary just by changing your registration.

I'm not sure what your point is here.

My point is I don't think the 2028 primaries are going to produce a better candidate so I'm not motivated to hold my nose any longer.

What is holding your nose? Abstaining from voting? You’re not making any clear points.

The answer is to continue to pressure democrats, known as "the good party", to actually do good things they claim they want to do but refuse to actually do.

I completely agree. I’m only commenting against the inaccuracy of protesting at the polls. The topic of this thread and post is supporting Biden in the election, not in his support of Israel.