[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

CalciumDeficiency@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 325 points –

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it IRL


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You can accept that they are making a better choice, but then you have to accept that you're making a worse choice.

No, people don't dislike vegans or vegetarians because of their choices, they dislike them because they lord their, what they think "better" choice over others. And create in- and out- groups via labeling.

Being vegan or vegetarian means that you have to spend more money in the store to buy food, because meat is heavily subsidized compared to vegetarian options. Also, because being vegan/vegetarian is not the default, many products are overpriced.

Another point is that a healthy and varied diet using only vegan or vegetarian food doesn't come so natural, so you have to research this more, which means you have to spend time, which again is a commodity.

So it is not just about good or bad, it is also about privilege and class. So people should not go around making statements about other people making "worse" choices.

Being vegan or vegetarian means that you have to spend more money in the store to buy food

no it doesnt? Im 1,000% willing to bet youve never been vegan before. Plant based diets are way cheaper, just go to your local store and look at eh price for a kilo of carrots or potatoes vs a a kilo of chicken.

Another point is that a healthy and varied diet using only vegan or vegetarian food doesn’t come so natural, so you have to research this more, which means you have to spend time, which again is a commodity.

also complete bullshit.

No, people don’t dislike vegans or vegetarians because of their choices, they dislike them because they lord their, what they think “better” choice over others.

I'm not sure we agree on what "lording over" is. Like if someone says "Sorry, I can't eat that, I'm vegan" is that lording it over you? Pretty much every vegan I've encountered has been polite, and at about the level of someone with a food allergy. Sometimes they check the ingredients label.

TIL beans are expensive and privileged.

Pardon my flippant remark. I couldn't help myself. I appreciate you weighing in on this thread.

I can appreciate how avoiding animal products can seem challenging if you have no direct examples to refer to, but it's really not. There are literally entire ethnic groups that live cradle to grave without eating meat.

Like for me growing up poor, a defacto vegetarian diet was the norm for us, so it's just how I eat 90% of the time. Likewise, if you grew up around people who know about nutrition, you get used to planning your meals without relying on meat/dairy/etc to fill in the gaps.

I do believe it's more ethical to avoid meat entirely, even though I myself don't. I just try my best to keep it lower impact.

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