Judge finds Donald Trump in contempt for 10th time over gag order and threatens jail time

Wilshire@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 801 points –
Judge finds Donald Trump in contempt for 10th time over gag order and threatens jail time | CNN Politics

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The judge is in uncharted waters here, and needs to be careful to avoid anything that can be construed as evidence of bias against the defendant.

And in so doing, hold a bias for the asshole.

The judge is biased on the side of Justice. Getting the case thrown out out of principle wouldn't help anyone but Trump.

That’s bullshit and you know it.

There are established rules and procedures. When you fudge them on one side, to avoid appearing biased to the other….

That is itself bias. against your “side of justice”.

This judge is afraid of Trump; and in his fear making a mockery of justice. You know it, I know it, and Trump knows it. Even the judge knows it.

Yeah so let's treat him the same way as anyone else so he can use that as an excuse to stop the procedure against him, that will sure show him!

Of all the cases where people want the judge to treat the accused the same way they would be treated in order to prove a point, this is probably the worst one.

That’s not how it works.

You’re enabling Trump’s bullshit.

It’s (stochastic) terrorism and you’re just like “but dude! It might not stick!”

Wonder what you say when trump’s cultist kill off witnesses and jurors?

You’re enabling Trump’s bullshit.

No, this random commenter on Lemmy is absolutely not enabling Trump’s bullshit. We’re just trying to explain the behavior of the judge, we have nothing to do with it.

It’s (stichadtic) terrorism and you’re just like “but dude! It might not stick!”

Stochastic terrorism is, obviously, what they’re trying to avoid with the gag order. The judge and his family are already victims, and he knows full well that the jury and witnesses are at risk. No offense intended, but I suspect he understands the situation he’s in better than you do.

So you would rather see him not face any consequences for the crime he has committed except for a weekend in jai, all out of principle?

That's not what would happen tho. The trial wouldn't end if Trump is held I contempt.

It would allow him to stall everything by opening the door to questioning the judge's neutrality and missing would move forward before he got elected again.

You guys are wishing to see him held in contempt even if it means he probably won't see any other jail time after that, I'm close to the point where I'll start to think you're on his side and just want to see him win.

So you’re okay with terrorism.

Oh look, I can play that game too! The process is meant for the judge to be neutral. Any other position risks the validity of the trial.

Your argument flies in the face of justice.

And in this specific case to be able to prove it wasn't out of spite they have to be able to prove that Trump was given the opportunity to learn from his mistakes. They could send him to jail right away, all that would lead to is their neutrality being questioned and a high risk of the trial being pushed back to a later date or cancelled altogether and the judge could say "I was being neutral" all they wanted, the end result would be worse than if they just wait until they reach a point where their neutrality cannot be questioned.

So again, I will ask, would you rather see Trump spend a weekend in jail and the trial ending or would you rather see Trump being fined and the trial reaching its conclusion?

These are the choices we're presented with right now, not the unicorn world you live in where Trump spends the weekend in jail after one offense and the trial then goes on as intended.

Total bullshit.

Trump has been warned ad nauseam in this one case alone. If he’s that unable to follow simple directions… he’s mentally unfit to stand trial.

Pretending like he needs to get fined for contempt before being locked up is an egregious affront to the justice system.

Literally no one else would be allowed such leeway; and there is only one code of law- it applies to everyone or it’s a joke.

That trump was ever allowed to make the judge’s own daughter a victim of terrorism… raise severe questions.

There is only one code of law that applies to this case and it states that the judge can either impose a fine of maximum 1k for each count or jail the person, so the judge is doing exactly what the code of law allows them to do.

You're still not answering the question.

Jail for the weekend at the risk of seeing him go scot-free OR fines and you're sure the trial reaches its conclusion?

You didn’t answer mine but demand I answer yours ? Are you okay with witnesses and jury dying because of the terrorism?

To answer yours… let me ask another. What happens if the case is lost because of the blatant witness tampering? Same result.

So you're ok with Trump just going in jail for the weekend, alright.

If you think there's a risk of witness and jury dying then what the fuck do you think will happen if he spends a weekend held in contempt? You think things will calm down after that and his base will go "Yeah, he deserved that"???

And in so doing, hold a bias for the asshole.

Criminal court is intended to be biased towards the defendant. Hence the “beyond a reasonable doubt” burden of proof.

(Obviously that bias is often not upheld properly, and plenty of people are railroaded by the system into unjust convictions.)

The court itself might be, but the judge isn’t supposed to be.

They have procedures and guidelines, for everything involved here. Procedures and guidelines that aren’t supposed to take “ex president” into account.

Judges aren’t supposed to allow anyone to intimidate, threaten or otherwise manipulate the witnesses or jury.

Remember- the people of NY are one of the parties; and all parties are entitled to a fair trial.