Man confesses to killing hospitalized wife because he couldn't afford to care for her, police say to – 427 points –
Man confesses to killing hospitalized wife because he couldn't afford to care for her, police say

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"Evil" is a social construct for people in the dark ages, because it holds as much merit as believing in fairies.

Again, you are really in denial of human nature, and as such don't know that the conditions I mentioned set the stage for this kind of thing to happen.

Do you know that you can be corrupted, that you can commit murder, if the conditions are right?

In what situation do you personally murder your wife?

In a situation where she is incurable ill and suffering and asks me to kill her.

This man’s wife specifically asked him not to, because he also tried to kill her last year. I was expecting to have more sympathy for the man, but then I read the story. His kid brought him in to confess, which is an unbelievable position to put your kid in.

I do understand putting someone out of their misery, and I’m not unempathetic towards the grinding horror that is capitalism, but this is an awful thing for other reasons as well.

Do you not live in a state that respects the right to euthanasia?

That's not really a thing in most of the US. Best you can generally get is a "Do Not Resuscitate" order which is used in the event you die on your own and tells them not to do CPR or use an AED or anything else to revive you.

My wife and I have discussed a few. For her, anything that's terminal or results in such a significant decrease in quality of life that continued living is some degree of torture more than 50% of the time.

My criteria are mostly the same, with added conditions for dementia, which seems to run in the family.

Bro... I just listed the reasons... like if you don't want to understand human nature, human psychology, sociology or why systemic issues are apart of creating the conditions that would allow this to happen, then that's your dumbass problem.

Like seriously. Read a fucking book - and not the Abrahamic ones. Those rot your brain.

Lol I'm an atheist, I just dom't feel the need to murder my wife.