It's Over for Fossil Smartwatches to – 104 points –
It’s Over for Fossil Smartwatches

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Pebble was the best smartwatch maker to date. It's unfortunate no one is capable of replicating the features, battery life, and community support like them. I like snazzy fast displays like anyone else. But, I also like weeks long battery life. A pebble like smartwatch with E-ink displays should be resurrected in the near future some day.

I love my Pebble! I still use my Pebble Time to this day.

Me too! I had to replace the battery in my Pebble Time Steel a couple years ago, but it's still going strong! Sometimes I think about getting something new, but everything new is worse!

Mine is still on my original battery. While it doesn't last 7 days anymore, it lasts long enough for me, and I'm okay with that.

I ended up getting a Fenix 6s about a year and a half ago and I think it's about as close to a Pebble successor as things get these days. I get a comfortable week out of the battery, and a responsive e-ink screen with the basics covered plus a few more fitness related things (and a party trick of topo maps) the Pebble didn't have. I don't feel like it has quite the community support that Pebble had in terms of software (or the enabling thereof from Garmin), so it's not 100% the same but it's been working well for me so far.

That looks nice, but dear god is is expensive

Unfortunately yes. They do put some models on sale occasionally so if you want one it can be worth waiting - I got mine at close on half RRP which made the cost somewhat more palatable.

Same here, Fenix 6 for a couple of years and definitely nearly as good as pebble, but I still miss the comfort and size of pebble. The screen is a bit better I think though and the battery seems to last me more but I barely use any of the fancy useless stuff like gps and what not.

I doubt the community that pebble built can be replicated by any other company... I really miss how simple it was to start creating software for the pebble and talking with other devs.

The Pebble UI was also just plain fun while also being so functional. I loved the timeline concept.

I got a fossil Hybrid HR with eink display 3 years ago to replace my pebble and it's the only thing that comes close. Doesn't sound like the hyrbid series are included in the above cancelations

AmazFit BIP series watches are pretty good. It's amazing how horrible the Android OS is for watches but Apple set the tone saying 18 hours is enough.

I have a Bip watch as well. I actually bought a fancier one, but the Bip has a display that is on all the time, and after 5 years of use still has a battery life of about 5-6 weeks!

It tells the time, buzzes when I get a phone call, and tracks my steps. That's about all I need.