'It's about time': Charlie Kirk defends frat boy who made monkey noises at Black woman

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 148 points –
'It's about time': Charlie Kirk defends frat boy who made monkey noises at Black woman

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"It's about time the masculine energy in this country is ascendant," he proclaimed. "I'm not defending what this kid allegedly did. I am defending young men holding up old glory, getting out there in the streets, and saying, we're not going to take this anymore."

So, what the hell is he defending then? What exactly about the incident exudes "masculine energy"?

The masculine energy of a rather hung dick called "old glory" that cannot be taken except by the most masculine of men who are out in the streets.

Gay butt stuff, obvs.

Rofl not going to take what anymore? Thinking? Feeling? Being a mature and functional adult in a democracy?

Exactly. Republicans won't stand for any of that.

Not that they stood for any of that in the past few decades.

He's insecure and threatened by everything.

But when men go out there and defend Palestinians they aren't doing this? It's not masculine to stand up for what you believe there?

Eh, depends on who you ask. Personally, no, this isn't masculine. People are standing up for what they believe, and more importantly, their resolve come a place of empathy. Merely standing up for what you believe doesn't warrant much praise, imho, especially if your beliefs are demonstrably false.