Google’s Pixel Leaves Little Room to Breathe for Sony Phones - Bloomberg to – 73 points –
Google’s Pixel Leaves Little Room to Breathe for Sony Phones

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And it wasn't a proprietary storage card? They didn't invent their own headphone jack that only works with Sony headphones? Amazing. It's like a whole new company!

If you can't tell, I'm still salty about aaaaaallllllllllllllllll the shit they pulled in the 90s/00s. Nothing like buying an mp3 player with money I should've been spending more responsibly and then learning I could only use Sony brand storage cards. Cards that cost twice as much for the same storage space. I bought my Xbox and dropped PlayStation solely because of those shenanigans.

If, in twenty years, HP makes the only computer that doesn't give you literal AIDS I still won't buy one. And i feel the same about Sony today

oh god remember MiniDisc? having to use Vegas Pro to burn the fuckers.

member the rootkits? I member.

member digital cameras being 4 megapixel and that was amazing?

member Nokias being bullet proof?

member Nextel push to talk?

member downloading albums on limewire using the coffee shop's Wi-Fi across the street, cobbling together a Can-tenna using a coke can cut up with a utility knife for a better signal?

member waiting for Penny Arcade to load like one line at a time because everyone was using the free Wi-Fi from the coffee shop?

member file sharing using mp3 discs with everyone on your floor?

i member

You're lucky it played mp3s and not atrac or some shit.

Dude I went straight back to J&R on Park Row and returned that thing. I had SD cards from my camera that I planned to use, and didn't ask about storage at the store (mistakes of youth lol). I eventually got a Zen (30Gb!) a year or two later. What a tank!

Sony is shifty with their PlayStation practices but their phones are genuinely good - seems like they are closer with the camera part of the business, which is pretty well liked from what I understand. The software support (or lack of) is the main issue but the hardware is clearly made by people that care (although apparently not enough about overheating on the IV series).

My institutional memories prevent me from buying Sony

When the PS4 came out and my old friends were clamoring over it i thought, "In 2003, we swore 'never again'. In 2013, we broke that promise."


Yeah, I had that with Sony, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Samsung.

A couple years ago, I decided not to cut my nose off to spite my face and evaluate the products and hope some shenanigans root kit doesn't happen after i've purchased it

I think im paraphrasing the author Iain Banks here, I feel like a piece of sweet corn in a turd, technically I'm intact but I'm still surrounded by shit.

On the plus side it pushed me to Linux as my desktop OS.

TBH I didn't feel that strongly, but I could not resist channeling BLM

That analogy works for many things these days