Beep beep

no banana to Lemmy – 460 points –

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I drive the company vehicle, a Wrangler, for deliveries. It's very funny to flip off the Wrangler drivers who wave at me like I'm part of their dumb club.

Why be a dick about it when you can just ignore them. Seems like they're just trying to communicate in a way that's generally experienced as nice.

Like I get it, it's easy to get annoyed at people trying to "make" you participate in an imaginary and kinda lame social behaviour... But like, being a dick on purpose probably does you more damage than them

No one likes someone whose rude for the sake of being rude, or an edgelord, even being a contrarian just for the sake of it isn't the greatest characteristic.

Better to find a stable calm attitude that doesn't require that... And if it's a way to blow off steam, better to find ways that are more in your own domain of control, rather than having it controlled by an external trigger.

Something to give thought to next time your driving jeep anyways.

What a oddly negative response to someone just being nice

"You best start believing in dumb clubs, wrangler driver! YOU'RE IN ONE!"

"For too long I've been parched of thirst and unable to quench it. Too long I've been starving to death and haven't died. I feel nothing."

Don't make me face the truth it's uncomfortable and scary 😭

They're not waving at you. They're waving at the Jeep.