PS5 barely missed its sales target in latest earnings report, and Sony expects to sell even less by next year to – 85 points –
PS5 barely missed its sales target in latest earnings report, and Sony expects to sell even less by next year

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Not gonna lie, when they were first released, I really wanted to get one, but their scarcity and price made me wait, and wait, and then the lack of games I cared for made me kinda rethink buying one. I got a steam deck instead and love it. All the old games i had before, I could still play and newer games that i wanted go on sale quite often, plus its portable. I honestly dont see any big reason to buy a console anymore.

Yeah the best games for the PS5 this gen are the PS4 ones with how rather lackluster the PS5 first party options have been. Naughty Dog hasn't even made a game that isn't a remake this entire generation. Weakest new exclusive and new IP gen so far.

It would be cool to see the Steam Deck model turned into a wider model for selling gaming PCs in different formats. A higher powered "Steam Deck" that looks and feels like a console but works internally like a PC, gives root access, can support any PC hardware, allows for upgrades and repairs, etc.

You're describing a Steam Machine, and I guess they were just years ahead of their time. 🤷‍♂️