Biden administration is sending $1 billion more in weapons, ammo to Israel, congressional aides say to World – 315 points –
Biden administration is sending $1 billion more in weapons, ammo to Israel, congressional aides say

The Biden administration has told key lawmakers it is sending a new package of more than $1 billion in arms and ammunition to Israel, three congressional aides said Tuesday.

It’s the first arms shipment to Israel to be announced by the administration since it put another arms transfer — consisting of 3,500 bombs — on hold this month. The administration has said it paused that earlier transfer to keep Israel from using the bombs in its growing offensive in the crowded southern Gaza city of Rafah.


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Jesus tapdancing christ he just can’t fucking help scoring an own-goal. What the actual fuck.

I’ve been trying to be as magnanimous and politically pragmatic as I can, but this is straight up idiotic. Come the fuck on, Biden. You are going to throw the whole fucking election if you keep this up.

When you think he might finally be correcting course, he just immediately goes and undoes it.

This is what I don’t understand. He might lose Michigan this time without the support of the Arab-Americans. Last time he won by a narrow margin.

It's still months away. He's probably waiting.

Yeah, probably. But this is not like student loans. How many more lives will be lost in the next few months if he waits to order a ceasefire.

I don't think he cares

I think he kinda does, but at the same time he’s too fucking old and set in his boomer ways. I’m beginning to suspect that he may be incapable of understanding why the youths can’t just sEe tHinGs hiS WaY.