Biden administration is sending $1 billion more in weapons, ammo to Israel, congressional aides say to World – 315 points –
Biden administration is sending $1 billion more in weapons, ammo to Israel, congressional aides say

The Biden administration has told key lawmakers it is sending a new package of more than $1 billion in arms and ammunition to Israel, three congressional aides said Tuesday.

It’s the first arms shipment to Israel to be announced by the administration since it put another arms transfer — consisting of 3,500 bombs — on hold this month. The administration has said it paused that earlier transfer to keep Israel from using the bombs in its growing offensive in the crowded southern Gaza city of Rafah.


Are these motherfuckers TRYING to lose the election and thus democracy to a fascist conman?! 🤦

Yes they are. They rather want Trump to win, than to end a genocide. And people are gaslighting themselves happily to suck up to the Dems instead of saying: "We will vote for you, but only, when you end this genocide and bring justice and peace to the people."

And the Reps are having a blast over it, because they know that the DNCs are their buddies in exploiting the normal Americans and murdering people outside the US.

And people are gaslighting themselves happily to suck up to the Dems instead of saying: “We will vote for you, but only, when you end this genocide and bring justice and peace to the people.”

Not just that, but they're twisting themselves into knots to try and convince people that unconditionally supporting Biden is the better option than continuing to pressure him to stop this and calling out his terrible stance here. Sure, everyone can vote as they please come election day, but we're a touch under 6 months out and people are all over this site browbeating anyone who doesn't toe the line and going "Don't you dare criticize our savior, Biden! If you say he needs to stop enabling Israel's genocide, you're just a Russian disinformation agent trying to keep people from voting so that fascists take over and murder all the minorities in the US. They'll probably double murder Palestinians, even!"

There’s a difference between criticizing, protesting, etc. but that’s not what people are advocating for here. It’s either “don’t vote” or “don’t vote for Biden in the General Election”.

You see the difference right? Once that general election comes, Trump winning would be absolutely catastrophic for the US, so unless you’re a Russian plant, or one of those “let it all burn down” people, there isn’t much choice.

Damn, you got me, I missed the part where I said not to vote for Biden under any circumstances.

Way to prove the point. Elections are not today, there is no reason not to continue to criticize Biden and pressure him to change his position in a meaningful way in order to make him more electable for those who won't support him if he continues his current policy, and along you come with the same tired shtick to say "If you don't bend over backwards to sing his praises, you're a Russian plant!"

If Biden actually changed his stance in a meaningful way, there's still plenty of time for him to win back those voters, but you folks come along running to shout out "But Trump!!!!" once anyone suggests that maybe giving him unconditional support no matter how shitty his stances are isn't the best way to convince him to not be just as awful while he still has time to do so.

Ok, so vote for the guy who will literally make all of this worse. You won’t have to worry about a genocide in another part of the world because there would be some starting up right at home.

Trump's the best thing to happen to Biden. He has a blank check to do whatever he likes, knowing full well the only response is "Trump will be worse"

Yeah, he'd never had become president in the first place if not for a horrible alternative.

Now that he's been for a few years of him mostly being the same conservative he was as a senator, it's even more obvious that there's going to be many times more votes AGAINST Trump than FOR Biden.

I just hope he doesn't alienate so many people with his steadfast support of, even participation in, the genocide bring peroetrated by a fascist apartheid regime that he actually loses the second most winnable presidential election in US history (the most easily winnable being 2020) to someone who's objectively much worse for the country and thus the world..

meanwhile in the US, the government can't seem to find the money for continued funding of the ACP, a program providing internet and mobile services to the poorest people in the country, in a world where connectivity is pretty crucial to functioning in society

Austerity programs in the US have nothing to do with saving the government money. It's literally the goal to make life worse for working Americans, this making them more subservient to employers.

fuck this goddam fucking system thats going to force me to vote for this old cunt

Jesus tapdancing christ he just can’t fucking help scoring an own-goal. What the actual fuck.

I’ve been trying to be as magnanimous and politically pragmatic as I can, but this is straight up idiotic. Come the fuck on, Biden. You are going to throw the whole fucking election if you keep this up.

When you think he might finally be correcting course, he just immediately goes and undoes it.

This is what I don’t understand. He might lose Michigan this time without the support of the Arab-Americans. Last time he won by a narrow margin.

It's still months away. He's probably waiting.

Yeah, probably. But this is not like student loans. How many more lives will be lost in the next few months if he waits to order a ceasefire.

I don't think he cares

I think he kinda does, but at the same time he’s too fucking old and set in his boomer ways. I’m beginning to suspect that he may be incapable of understanding why the youths can’t just sEe tHinGs hiS WaY.

So. do you think Netanyahu pinched his nose or something. you know. while biden was sucking his dick off? "withhold weapons, are you...?"

it'd be nice if one of the most powerful men in the world actually had a fucking spine.

I know that it's beside the point, but just FYI: in most cases, pinching the nose of someone blowing you does nothing since the vast majority (all?) of humans can't breathe in through their nose while their mouth is full and vigorously sucking.

All it does is expose you as an ignorant jerk 🤷

All it does is expose you as an ignorant jerk 🤷

If one does it, yes. I suspect Netanyahu is the type.

True. Didn't mean to imply that YOU specifically do it, in case that's how it came off btw, I intended it as the generalized you 😁

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They have the spine to laugh at all the peasants below them, i think it's someone else lacking spine

Biden withhold and still withholding bombs. I am actually not sure if it is wise decision in terms of civilian casualties - I am not sure where more civilians will die - with precision bombing and ground attack or just ground attack (supported by tanks and artillery).

It’s the first arms shipment to Israel to be revealed since the administration put another arms transfer, consisting of 3,500 bombs of up to 2,000 pounds each, on hold this month.

With bombs that size, they want the casualties.

Yes because we really need to give them something…. It’s awfully unfair otherwise…

"precision bombing" You toss 2,000 pounds of explosive onto an area. That has a lethal radius of about 380m, or a lethal area of 0.45km². Rafah has 1.5 million people sheltered in an area of 64km² So 23,400 people / km²

So each of that bomb puts on average 10,500 people at risk of death or serious injury.

This is not to excuse sending other weapons. Anyone who still sends weapons or any form of military equipment or money to Israel now is willfully complicit in war crimes, massacres and genocide.

It is not 2000 pounds, it is “up to 2000”.

So we are only talking 5,000 people at risk with every bomb? Or maybe only 2,000? Well that is a steal!

I understand that lemmy behaves as if Israel is completely reckless and even has as his goal to kill as many civilians as possible. This is not the case if you look at the numbers. If you look here: then you see that typical ratio of civilians killed in urban conflicts is 90% or 1:9 (military:civilian).

If you go with 14000 Hamas fighters killed and 35,000 total killed, that means that 21, 000 civilians killed (this number, by the way includes natural deaths and death from Hamas rockets malfunctioning and falling inside Gaza). This is ratio 1:1.4. If you go with Israeli civilian casualties estimations, then the ratio will be close 1:1. But even with Hamas reported numbers, the ratio of civilian deaths is 6 times better than in typical urban warfare. Far from general perception that Israel being reckless.

It is quite possible that it is partly due to precision bombing and that removing this resource from Israel arsenal will have negative effect on civilian to military death ratio.

Israel declares anyone who is male and at least teenage as killed Hamas fighter. There is dozens of videos of clearly unarmed civilians being executed by the IDF. Their numbers of alleged Hamas fighters are highly unreliable.

I have not seen anyone with reputation claiming that. Hamas itself does not object against these claims. And at this point even if they are inflated by factor of two, it would be still good ratios.

Also, the ratio of civilians killed versus military fighters killed was good for Israel in the past. And nobody objected that either.

As for clearly civilians being killed - of course they are. But IDF is not Hamas - they do not target civilians on purpose, and as numbers show, they are quite accurate in killing fighters. Are there IDF fuck ups who actually want and kill some civilians? Most likely. In any large scale military such things exist, but they are exceptions which are investigated. IDF is no different than any other military in that respect, including US.

I understand that echo chamber exist here on fediverse, but the more I study the actual facts more I come to conclusion that the citiation is quite different as most here trying to paint. People react on videos that a) difficult to understand without context b) in terms of statistics are exceptions, not a rule. The overall situation is different and you can’t make conclusions by couple videos.

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I am shocked Biden went back on his word so quickly...


Unfortunately there's still not enough proof of genocide, according to the military complex

There never will be, of course. Israel could nuke the entire Middle East including themselves and the politicians that rely on the MIC for bribes would do no more than wag a finger 😮‍💨

What a shocker. God, I wish I could afford to leave this country so that my tax dollars weren't funneled directly to this genocide.

You still have to pay USA income tax abroad unless you renounce your citizenship.

Not necessarily. There is a foreign earned income exclusion, so if you pay income taxes on it in the country where you're living you don't pay taxes to the US.

Up to a max. So paying a little in the foreign country will not invalidate ALL taxes owed in the US. You might still owe some. Just FYI.

$126,500 per person, plus another $20,240 in housing expenses. Plus your $13,850 standard deduction (though if you're making that much you're probably itemizing for more). So $160,590 for an individual or $321,180 for married filing jointly. That's assuming no kids and no other deductions or credits - which is pretty unlikely at that income level.

$160,590 is the 93rd percentile for US income distribution. So yeah, if you (AND your partner, if any) are both in the top 7% income bracket, bad at tax preparation, and don't hire an accountant, you might still pay tax on the income over that amount. Of course, making that much while keeping the kind of ethics that let you care about anyone other than yourself is a nontrivial endeavor.

Don't forget that your foreign employer won't be reporting to the IRS. So if your protest extends to not voluntarily reporting that excess income ...

Weekly Biden gaslighting complete, quick ship some $700m in tank shells they ran out shooting at tent camps in Rafah!

The package disclosed Tuesday includes about $700 million for tank ammunition, $500 million in tactical vehicles and $60 million in mortar rounds, the congressional aides said. They spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an arms transfer that has not yet been made public.

So that's 1.36 Billion.

We should start recognizing this genocide as an Israel and the USA one, not only Israel's.

The people do, what makes it so much worse and really shows the monstrousness of the USA is that there was a palestinian teenager making music about his family amd life in an open air prison, occupied territory troubles and the like and he got picked up by a US music label and is there making music now. The US enabled his country to fall to shit only to then profit off his art he makes talking about how awful his life is amd how many cousins he has lost to Israeli aggresion.

Pure microcosm but it is heartbreaking what the US gets away with.

Ben-Gvir: It’s time for a true solution to Gaza.


God damn it'd be great if we could stop supporting the fascist religious shitheads in charge of Israel.

Another step closer to getting an orange criminal as president from 2025 to 2029. What an absurd joke. Don't make the majority feel like their voice isn't being heard for too long, it's never a good idea to do that.

More like 2025 to indefinitely. Say goodbye to the 2-term limit if the tangerine becomes president.

Nah. There's no way the orange man would get more than 4 years. If he tried, we would see a nation wide shut down, the riots would be beyond anything we've ever seen in this country. The people with money know they wouldn't make more money trying that, so it won't happen. Biden is already helping them enough.

Usually I say something bad about Biden. How about I try to defend him this time? He can't help himself. It's kind of like a tick. Some of us are alcoholics while others need to complete a genocide in order to start an end of world event... None of us are perfect.

Biden doesn't want to win this election.

Do you get it yet? We have to move on past Biden if we don't want Trump.

Past Biden? No one else is even on all the ballots in all the necessary states to even come close to 270.

I'm just happy we don't have an idiot saying "Nuke 'em all to glass" like my conservative father.

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Move where? If not Biden, then Trump this election.

If people didn't PTSD themselves into staying with Biden for the last 7 months we'd have a different candidate by now.

This election has the worst two candidates ever. If this isn't the time to jump ship then it will never happen.

If people wont break the duopoly when the lesser of two evils turns into the lesser of two genocides then they will never break away. Nothing will convince these people to actually support other parties and Im tired of hearing them pretend that's not true.

For real, Biden should not have been the candidate, and now we're stuck with him.

There's still 6 months. I liked what Cornel West told Mehdi Hasan during his interview. It was along the lines of

"I'm not likely to win but if all the stars align then I can't capitalize on it if I wasn't there".

A lot of life comes down to participating and a large part of the result can be luck. Even if there's a 1/3000 chance that a third party would win, this would be one of the more likely elections in which that could happen if a massive migration wave happens from the Democrats to a third party candidate.

Most people are voting Democrat because they feel there's no other option. The second they feel the wind blowing differently they will jump ship.

At this point all we can do is pray and hope the ballots get hit with a heatwave and the name checked on them smear into a third party candidate's name while gamma waves do the same with the digital ballots.

It really feels like people in this country don't want a better future. They truely want the best of two awful ones but only for themselves, screw everyone not in your immediate vicinity.

Maybe vote all D but abstain from the Pres vote, who knows anymore

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In semi convinced the way forward would be to remove biden from office on January 1st after voting him in. Deny Trump and then tell the dems absolutely not try fucking harder.

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration has told key lawmakers it is sending a new package of more than $1 billion in arms and ammunition to Israel, three congressional aides said Tuesday.

The White House has come under criticism from both sides of the political spectrum in the U.S. over its military support for Israel’s now seven-month war against Hamas in Gaza.

Some of President Joe Biden’s fellow Democrats have pushed him to limit transfers of offensive weapons to Israel to pressure the U.S. ally to do more to protect Palestinian civilians.

Following Biden’s move to put a pause on bomb shipments last week, Republicans have been swift in their condemnation, arguing it represents the abandonment of the closest U.S. ally in the Middle East.

But House Democrats are somewhat divided on the issue, and roughly two dozen have signed onto a letter to the Biden administration saying they were “deeply concerned about the message” sent by pausing the bomb shipment.

In addition to the written veto threat, the White House has been in touch with various lawmakers and congressional aides about the legislation, according to an administration official.

The original article contains 518 words, the summary contains 189 words. Saved 64%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

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Biden loyalists still believe they are the good guys. I am pretty sure, when Julius Caesar marched into Gaul, that the Roman army thought of themselves as bad guys... We know where Biden supporters stand. Did the Nazis believe they were the bad guys? Government psy-ops a success on a huge segment of the population.

Got it, voting trump instead. He'll stop the genocide.

  1. Why are you so sure no amount of pressure from voters will ever make Biden stop funding a genocide?

  2. Do you believe he's like this about everything or just the genocide of brown people?

  3. Why do you support a candidate for the Dem nomination who doesn't listen to the people he needs votes from?

  1. It might but it better happen fast if he wants to gain back any protest votes.

  2. Fuck if I know. It's tradition at this point. How far in us president history do we have to go to find a president that didn't kill a bunch of brown people?

  3. I don't support biden. I'll give him credit for the good shit he did but I'm voting for him to avoid the US becoming a theocratic fascist state... Faster than it already is at least.

but I’m voting for him to avoid the US becoming a theocratic fascist state…

It's not avoiding it, it's making it happen slower.

I think you've forgotten how religious Biden is and how much he's talked about that influencing his positions.

Why do you think he's essentially ignored Roe V Wade being overturned? He doesn't want abortion to be legal due to his religious views.

He did an executive order, but it accomplished nothing. And that was just because midterms were coming.

And the way he's encouraging cops to go after peaceful protesters?

He's saying the same bullshit about protesters trump said about BLM protesters.

Biden isn't against fascism, he's against the other team being in charge of it.

That's what happens when one side turns the fascism up to 11, and the only other option is obsessed with meeting them half way.

The best result is slightly more than half fascist.

And that hurts turnout, and low turnout is when the fascists win.

The best way to stop the fascists, is to fight them, not compromise with them. That shit doesn't work.

It's making it happen slower

Yeah, I literally acknowledged that.

I'm voting for him to avoid the US becoming a theocratic fascist state... Faster than it already is at least.

The best way to stop the fascists, is to fight them, not compromise with them. That shit doesn't work.

So what, don't vote and do direct action instead?

Withholding support is direct action.

Direct action to support a fascist takeover of America. Fuck's sake have we learned nothing from his first 4 years? Hillary was a flaming piece of shit but if she won we would still have reproductive rights in America.

It's the same as threatening a union strike to force concessions for collective bargaining.

The strike isn't the goal, but being willing to do it gives you power to negotiate.

Again, Hillary was such a huge piece of shit that the voter turnout wasn't there. Trump was the result of that protest. Dems responded by giving us biden. They won't learn. Biden also barely changed course from the primary protest vote.

Hilary lost because she chose to alienate her progressive caucus and run a campaign focused on her opponent instead of her own policies.

Now that you mention it that does sound familiar. Biden should have the benefit of hindsight.

A strike means things stop. A protest vote means things go backwards, as if there was an entire workforce of scabs waiting to swoop in when the strike starts. There's no leverage.

A strike means things stop. A protest vote means things go backwards

Think of everything leading up to the election as the strike, and the company going bankrupt from the strike as the result of the election.

Joe Biden isn't religious. He is a progressive activist. He is the clown, and you are in his circus. Furthermore, he and Nancy Pelosi are globalist first, progressives first, nationalist last, Christians last.

Oh yes, because Christianity is so evil, it proliferated compassion across the world. It ended slavery, created Just War Theory (a moral approach to war), proliferated the concept of human rights It culturally ingrained into its followers the concept of secularism, and egalitarianism. How far the democrat party has fallen. They fear the Bible and Orange Man so much, genocide is an acceptable trade-off. You must really hate Jesus.

Oh yes, because Christianity is so evil,

It is...

it proliferated compassion across the world

It didn't...

It ended slavery

The Bible is pro slavery...

created Just War Theory (a moral approach to war),


proliferated the concept of human rights

It supports fucking slavery and says a wife is a husband property, and sexual acts unless for reproduction is a sin and should be illegal...

I'm not going to keep going, because I haven't hit a truthful thing you've said yet.

Are you aware that Western culture is Christian culture? Was Jesus a poor man or a rich man? Was he submissive or a conquering hero? The greatness of a man is his accomplishments... is it not?

The Bible is pro slavery…

You must think that atheist ended slavery, that the Civil Rights Movement was atheist. Martin Luther King Jr was an atheist?????

It didn’t…

Right, because creating the first welfare system was an act of inhumanity. Feeding and clothing the poor was an egregious act.

The humble, meek, Christian fundamentalist who devotes his life to poverty is absolutely disgusting. For some people, poverty is disgusting.

I had to chuckle at a left-winger the other day when he told me "communist are anti-religion," then I prepare for it, a link that shows that Christian Communism existed long before the Bolshevik Revolution. Communism comes from the Bible. Read the Book of Acts, Acts of the Apostles, read your Bible, and learn the scripts of your program

The humble, meek, Christian fundamentalist who devotes his life to poverty is absolutely disgusting. For some people, poverty is disgusting.

The staggering irony. Find me a self proclaimed fundie Christian in government who has actually tried to help poor people.

I will give the benefit of the doubt to Trump, since never-Trumpers rather be complicit in genocide just to keep the evil Orange Man away. I am voting for Trump just to spite Biden. That is democracy baby.

I'm so very confused by this situation. For those who are against supporting Israel. Can you explain to me rationally why you think Hamas doesn't deserve to be wiped out after Oct 7th? I'm not denying the civilian casualties I agree it is unacceptably high But that doesn't caragotize what's happening as a genocide. But Hamas has said they want a high casualty rate they are using their civilians as human shields. Would you really suggest Hamas should just be able to get away with Oct 7th because they are hiding behind their people. Like what is your answer if you were the one making the choice here? Please I know this is an inflammatory topic but I promise I'm only trying to understand your opinion on the matter.

Can you explain to me rationally why you think Hamas doesn’t deserve to be wiped out after Oct 7th?


You want me to explain why a foreign government shouldn't be "wiped out" for a war crime?

By that logic, why shouldn't Israel's government be "wiped out" for the attacks on civilians leading up to it?

Or at least for their actions after it where they killed 10x more civilians and destroyed billions in infrastructure?

And that's not even getting into how Israels government draws no distinction from someone who lives and Gaza and belongs to Hamas.

Your logic just doesn't seem to be consistent, and you're focusing on the one time Hamas did anything comparable to how Israel has treated Palestinian civilians over 70 years...

Burning babies in their cribs and slaughtering mothers in front of daughters is not a valid form of protest.

So why didn't we do anything when Israel is doing even worse?

Literally, right now they're doing worse to a lot more people...

And before 10/7, they were still doing worse to even more people...

So why focus on that one day and ignore literally everything else?

Like, you realize the people from Hamas on 10/7 are the families of Israels prior victims?

If Israel is justified in what they're doing because of 10/7, why wasn't 10/7 justified?

If none of it is acceptable, why are you only focusing on the one day Israel's were the victim over every other day they were the attackers?

Sure, so you want to treat this conflict like it didn't start on 10/7. Ok.

Do you believe that the 20 year campaign of suicide bombing perpetrated by Palestinian militants was a valid form of protest? Did you grow up seeing the charred skeletons of buses on TV? Did you know that this terror campaign was so vicious that Israel had to forcibly relocate Jews that had lived in Gaza their entire lives, who's families had lived in Gaza for generations? Would you define this as ethnic cleansing by Palestinians?

Do you believe that the Yom Kippur war surprise attack was a valid form of protest? Did you know that the Arab countries position was to refuse any peace deal with Israel, even when they were offered the return of the Sinai and the Golan?

If you think that Israel has a responsibility to ensure aid enters Gaza, then surely you believe that closing the Suez to Israeli shipping was a casus belli for the 6 day war?

Do you believe the attempted genocide of Jews by their Arab neighbors in 1948 was a valid form of protest? Do you think that Arabs have the right to enforce a racially pure population? Have you thought about why 20 percent of Israelis are Arab? Is it possible that these were honest folks who did not attempt to commit a genocide against Jews?

Have you stopped to think why Jews, who have existed in the area for thousands of years, no longer have extant populations in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, or Iraq? Have you considered the possibility that they were ethnically cleansed by their Arab neighbors? Have you heard of the Farhud? Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

Edit: the instant downvote without any rebuttal demonstrates how inconvenient the truth is pro-Hamas supporters.

Sure, so you want to treat this conflict like it didn’t start on 10/7. Ok.

I don't know why a logical peraon wouldn't...

Or why I should continue conversations with people who do

Only the desperate do suicide attacks. It's sad that they even have to resort to such things. They weren't militants. I heard some of them were young adults who had nothing else to live for.

They couldn't attack anyone if their land wasn't stolen.

Jews still exist in Iraq. Israel pretended to be Arab terrorists and tried to trick them into becoming Israelis. It didn't work. Israelis allies made Yemen HELL for everyone. That's when Israel capitalized and took in Yemeni Jews. Israel absorbed the Levantine Jews.

France helped with the Suez Canal thing. They knew they will betray Egypt. Israel's creation was a giant backstapping. At every step.

I know you drunk the koolaid as soon as you mentioned Arabs have cleansed the area of Jews. The real truth is the Arab culture absorbed everyone in the region. The Philistines, Judahites, Isrealites, Arameans, Lihyanites, etc. You clearly have been forced fed lies and propaganda your whole life.

Also, stop crying about down votes when talking about a sensitive issue. Are you really going to break down every time the rain of lies that makes up your upbringing gets challenged?

Wow not even trying to hide the Nazi ideology anymore with the "stab in the back" rhetoric? Real mask off moment.

In 1947 there were 156,000 Jews living in Iraq. Today there are three. Just like #Pallywood, you lie through your teeth.

You spout this nonsense about false flag attacks yet provide no proof. This is the exact same nonsense as Kristallnacht. Funny enough, the Arab world embraced Nazism whole cloth. "Religion of peace".

You say that the land in Israel was stolen. You also say that Yemeni Jews were forced to relocate to Israel. How are both possible? The amount of mental gymnastics to try to rationalize the pro Hamas position is insanity.

Wow, I did not reliaze there was an Israeli operation to also move all of the Iraqi Jews to Israel. So, Israeli has now relocated all Arab Jews which lasted till... the formation of Israel. Where is this Arab cleansing? The Israelis cleansed the Arab lands of its Jews.

You say that the land in Israel was stolen. You also say that Yemeni Jews were forced to relocate to Israel. How are both possible?

What is the conflict here?

Did you know Germany had to make an official statement to correct Isreal. Israel tried to blame the Holocaust on the "Sharif of Jerusalem." Germany said (about a month ago), "No, that was us."

Massive victim blaming. "We didn't ethnically cleanse them, we just slaughtered them by the thousands, banned their religion and them owning property. They left on their own!"

I'm not surprised someone defending Hamas is ready to blame the victim. That whole side of the world has a pretty bad track record on women's rights.

I'm not defending Hamas. I'm noting that Arab Jews existed until Israel had operations to absorb them.

“We didn’t ethnically cleanse them, we just slaughtered them by the thousands, banned their religion and them owning property. They left on their own!”

Is this an IDF quote from Gaza? Is this about the auctioned land?

you gotta update your manual, these lines don’t work anymore

Yes I want you to explain how the extreme brutality of what Hamas soldiers did on Oct 7th compares to Israel relating. Have you watched the videos? I'm not denying the treatment of Palestine citizens by Israel but that does not give Hamas the right to do what they did on Oct 7th. Again watch the videos Hamas themselves recorded during the attack. They killed those people because their religion told them to. Hamas themselves said they will keep doing it again and again. I understand the death toll is high. But again what would you rather do? I'm just trying to understand your logic. I don't know how to wage war but I can take an educated guess that it's pretty difficult to tell the difference between a Gaza citizen and a Hamas solders as they don't wear any kind of uniform and purposely hide amongst civilians. I'm not defending killing civilians in asking what your alternative strategy would be. Or how you think Israel and us should respond. Because zero response is an unacceptable answer.


So why aren't you calling for Israel's government to be wiped out when they've spent decades killing way more civilians?

I don't think you understand that part.

If you think that should happen to Hamas, but not Israel's government.

Then you're just saying Palestinians have no human rights but Israelis do.

Like, you're mad at someone punching back, but not the person who spent decades punching first.

Well if I'm being honest from what I know it sure doesn't seem like Israel punched first. Can you educate me in what you mean by killing more civilians? Like are you talking about similar retaliatory attacks killing civilians more civilians. Because currently I understand why is Israel is killing more civilians. I'm not arguing it's right. I don't think there is a right answer here. I do think the context of the attacks matters. Hamas has stated very clearly they intend on perpetrating Oct 7th again and again. Jews being in their holy land is literally against their religion they have said this repeatedly. You can ask a Hamas solder why he's fighting and he will tell you this. Can you provide an alternative to what Israel is doing? I've asked several times. I wish I had an answer.

Here's an example from 2021

But you keep saying you have no knowledge on this subject at all...

You shouldn't be asking for random social media accounts to explain shit like this.

Like, is this really how you think it's best to learn about geopolitics?

Asking strangers online?

It's not like this is some crazy niche.

It's just hard for me to believe you're sincerely asking these questions and are so opinionated that Israel is in the right. I'm not responding anymore.

I didn't say I have no knowledge of the subject or did I ask you to teach me geopolitics. I asked you to explain your opinion on the matter. When it comes to understanding someone's opinion I find it best to ask the person directly. But you haven't really responded to any of my questions so I'm still pretty confused about it for the most part. I'll read the article you posted. But it seems you think the civilian casualties give Hamas the right to do what they did and Israel just should take it and not respond. If this is what you think definitely disagree. It's ok if you don't believe me. All I can do is say what I'm doing and you take it however you want.

But it seems you think the civilian casualties give Hamas Israel the right to do what they did and Israel Gazans just should take it and not respond. If this is what you think definitely disagree. It’s ok if you don’t believe me. All I can do is say what I’m doing and you take it however you want.

Why is that not equally valid?

Be more specific about what you're talking about and I can respond. Different people and circumstances matters. Context is important.

Many example in history of resistance groups killed innocent people like in algeria and the Mau Mau. Does that made britain and france good guys?

I think Ben-Gvir's latest comments about a "true solution" put to bed any debate about whether it's a genocide.

There is no point in trying to understand the situation. This is the usual pointless American foreign policy.

I dont even disagree with you. A depressing fact.