Nice Guy to Lefty – 1 points –

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Who said I'm "doing nothing"? Voting isn't doing anything. Only actions outside the ballot matter.

Voting isn’t doing anything? Did you not see what happened when Trump got to pick three Supreme Court justices? Roe is gone dude. This stuff matters.

Hrc won the popular vote. How did voting harm reduction then do anyone any good?

Folks that stayed home to prove a point made sure the SC would get the three. Failure to Vote resulted in the harm. Had those folks Voted, harm would have been reduced. You the failure of your own position.

Right, because the dnc totally didn't ignore Bernie Sanders, or Dennis Kucinich. Again, please.

I don’t understand the question. We don’t elect based on popular vote.

I'm saying hrc votes were worthless; throw away votes. Hence a non vote was the same, and a third party vote was at least as valuable, and when enough people support a third party candidate, it will be worth more, because it shows the two major parties they have something to worry about.

Nope. The folks that Voted remained in consideration as there was another Election. Those that didn't Vote were ignored. One of the primary reasons Biden got the Nod to be the Candidate in 2020 was that those that did not Vote could not be counted on to show up and thus the potential Candidates they would support were ignored from the considerations as they couldn't be counted on.

You act like Bernie wasn't ignored anyway. Please.

He wasn't, and isn't ignored. In fact his opinion is posted in papers all over the World for the single reason that People Voted for him. Who has more sway in getting the message out? The guy that Voted for Bernie to be paid attention to, OR the self important sat it out and thus has no one interested in what they wanted as they don't vote Purist?

I was talking about the dnc ignoring him. I wrote him in.

They didn't. Lots of folks that claimed to be supporters didn't show up to Vote in the Primary and thus Bernie lost the Primary.

This is also a good point. I think we'd have a better shot at electing a third-party candidate than we would of pushing an establishment democrat left.

Dems have made it abundantly clear they are willing to move further right than a centimeter to the left. Also my American compatriots see socially left and assume economically left when that's just not the case. Socially left is great, until everyone is homeless, hungry and sick, equally.

Not to mention that even the "socially left" is highly questionable. When I see a leader who's willing to throw other marginalized groups such as Palestinians, refugees, and BIPOC under the bus, I have no doubt he'd have us LGBTQIA+ people lined up and executed if he thought it would help him win elections. Establishment Democrats are not allies, no matter how many rainbows they project on the White House.

This is a great point. I've said you're either human rights or rights for me and mine, not thee and thine." If you're pro black but not pro women, pro women but not pro lgbtqia, etc.

It really doesn't. This is the momentum of your country either way. Or did you forget that your democrats had chances to put Supreme Court justices and they just...didn't?

What are you talking about? The senate has to approve them. The GOP controlled the senate. I get you don’t understand our system but before acting so smug I’d make sure I understand what happened.

Also they’re not “my” democrats.