Video Game Execs Are Ruining Video Games

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 571 points –
Video Game Execs Are Ruining Video Games

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I wonder... does anyone know how many shares in a company you have to own before you can call-in during shareholder meetings to ask questions? I'm wondering if we could push back against this by """asking questions""" that make majority shareholders aware of the damage companies are doing to their own brands. I know modern capitalism is all about "money today, fuck tomorrow", but I wonder how many shareholders would be happy knowing that companies would probably make more money if they'd stop cannibalizing studios and franchises.

You know, play into their greed and make convincing arguments about how their decisions are ultimately robbing them of money.

Exxon just sued its shareholders for crying about climate change.

There was a guy a few years ago who spent $40k on Nintendo stock in order to ask about a new F-Zero in a shareholder meeting. They said no at the time but we did get F-Zero 99 last year so maybe he did make an impact.

They have a term for that type of shareholder... that I can't think of right now, sorry. A lot of big companies have things in place so 'disruptive' shareholders don't ruin their plans.

Edit. Exxon calls them "activist shareholders"

You're assuming that they don't know that, lol. They do. It does not matter because people keep shoving money up their ass and number goes up.

Ultimately, do they care? Most shareholders are in it for the stock price, this kind of thing might affect it slightly but I doubt it'd shift the needle much