The ten stages of genocide to You Should – 108 points –
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | The ten stages of genocide

Palestinians are at #8.


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I'm saying I have no sympathy for Palestinians who can't sympathise with other people who were forced from their homes, or Israelis who can't do the same. They are free to dislike the IDF, but using them as an excuse to hate Jews and/or Israelis is no better than the people who hate all Palestinians and/or Arabs masking or justifying it with their hatred of Hamas.

It's not the same, because Israel are systematic colonizers. IDF acts on behalf of Israel. Sure, not all Israelis have the same political opinions, but ultimately they are living in a country that is committed to genocide of Palestinians. Lots of countries hate the United States for extremely valid reasons and I do have sympathy and ultimately agree with their hatred of Americans, even though I am one.

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