What vegetables and fruits do you wish were commonly available in the US?

xkforce@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 102 points –

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I've heard rumors that, while we see two kinds of mango in the US, there are many more varietals in India, and they're all better. I'd like to have access to some of those; mangoes rock.

I suspect this is like our tomatoes. The tomatos you buy in stores were cultivated to be pretty, to get harvested by a machine, and to ship without getting damaged. Meanwhile, heirloom tomatoes will split their skin on a humid day, but they pack a ton more flavor in. The same is true for the vast majority of our fruit and veg. Actually ripened on plant produce doesn't have a very long shelf life.

That's not what heirloom tomatoes are. Heirloom means they're not hybrids. There are loads of heirloom and hybrid varieties with all kinds of properties, flavours, shapes and sizes.

I was generalizing about heirlooms not being very easy to grow to modern standards. I grow a decent verity of heirlooms and hybrids and the hybrids don't split nearly as often.

Also large tomatoes which split are usually classed as beefsteak tomatoes. There are heirlooms like Brandywine and hybrids like Brandy Boy. And if you don't grow tomatoes yourself you'll never know the difference.

And if you don't grow tomatoes yourself you'll never know the difference.

What do you mean? Once you have home grown, or even farm stand, produce you realize that the vast majority of grocery store stuff is picked before it's really ripe.

Oh there are like many varieties of mangoes z but hands down best is called hapoos or alphonso, it's so so good. I recently found it EU due a colleague and tasted other varieties too such as kesar ( in think it means orange) , in could eat the peel also . The only place that you might get is Indian grocery stores in the areas specially now to end of julyi guess