In 'Abandonment of Public Education,' Louisiana to Allow Tax Dollars to Pay for Private Schools

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 480 points –
In 'Abandonment of Public Education,' Louisiana to Allow Tax Dollars to Pay for Private Schools | Common Dreams

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Imagine being that one downvoter in the sub so brainwashed you think this is a good thing. Believing you're persecuted as a Xtian and fighting some delusional battle for people's "souls".

I didn't downvote it, but have you considered that it might be a good thing for students?

Okay, I'll bite. In your view- How does taking money away from public school to fund more religious schools help students?

They learn the TRUTH that the Earth is only 6000 years old and humans were made from dust. Obviously.

Toss in a man's rib, and you got a stew going

It's not all going to go to religious schools, there are private schools that teach kids without an emphasis on religion.

Ok. So the same question - How does a private school getting public school funds help the students of the public schools?

It doesn't help students of public schools. But it helps the students who are now going to the private schools.

And since they are private why should they be getting tax dollars?

Because there teach students. When did our goal become to make public schools good instead of having an educated population?

Public schools are where an educated population comes from.

I tried to be nice and polite to get at what you were thinking but it is very obvious that you were not thinking at all and possibly are not capable of doing so.


That doesn't follow. If someone went to a predator school they can't be educated?

Face eating leopards: "have you considered having leopards eat your face might be a good thing for children?"