Ukraine’s Zelenskyy rejects Macron’s Olympic truce proposal to World – 212 points –
Ukraine’s Zelenskyy rejects Macron’s Olympic truce proposal

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Russia giving up would solve everything tho, so let's do that instead

We could have done that but decided to give Ukraine second hand garbage to fight with.

Oh so is this where you're going to tell us about the mind control Ray or something? How are we ever going to make Russia give up? Presumably if we have that power we should just do it now.

How would we have done that, US+Europe+others join the war?

When it came to israel we managed to pull a gazillion weapons out of thin air. And created special teams to rush weapons shipments to a country committing Genocide instead of one being invaded.

Or bypassing congress, doing secret arms sales, any of the plethora of ways that we use to support israel committing Genocide could have been used to help Ukraine win.


I guess a difference there is that Israel was paying money. So that has been urgent partly so some people could make a shitton of money.

Israel was loaning money which Genocide Joe made sure to refund them in full afterwards.

Now that Biden gifted israel $26Billion the entire "israel is paying for it" argument doesn't hold up much