Israel recalls its ambassadors from Ireland and Norway over their recognition of a Palestinian state to World – 342 points –
Israel recalls its ambassadors from Ireland and Norway over their recognition of a Palestinian state

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Why is everyone antisemitic towards us. All we want to do is kill innocent people. Come on guys, dont be be like that.

“Listen - If you’d simply allow us to conflate civilians with terrorists I think you’ll see we’re right. They’re not so innocent after all…”

“All these sneaky, unarmed, women and children, Hamas agents, with the strategic beachfront property, are forcing us to protect ourselves.”

You have to be extra careful with the press, humanitarians, and people holding white flags. They are the most dangerous.

"Terrorists" itself is a bit of a sneaky choice of words, because it's very vague but sounds very bad.

If they had to talk about deterrence, proportionality and the actual demands and interests of the various factions involved it wouldn't sound so good for them anymore. Instead, it's them vs. "terrorists", being against them is being for "terrorists", and any attempt to argue with that is doomed to scuttle in the semantic molasses of WTF it even means.

You can still not like Hamas for being brutal theocrats that don't care about human rights.