Spotify is going to break every Car Thing gadget it ever sold to – 463 points –
Spotify is going to break every Car Thing gadget it ever sold

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These fuckers disabled car mode in the android app to make you buy one of those and now they're killing it. I used car mode in my car and the moment it stopped working was when I cancelled my subscription.

When did they kill car mode on the app? I've been subscribed for years even before the Car Thing and I always have car mode on even outside of my car.

Mine doesn't have Car mode anymore, it stopped working a couple of weeks ago.

There's a setting to disable it, it always annoyed me so I disabled it auto going to car mode when it connected to Bluetooth

Seems they want to force you to use their "Car Thing" voice assistant. Probably to listen into your conversations....


What did car mode do? Was it when it switched to big old buttons? Mine used to do that until I got Android Auto in my new up until about a year ago

So stop being their customer.

downvotes are not to express disagreement!

so many comments here about adding regulations and "this should be illegal" and, yes, those may be a valid way to curb this behavior

but customers willing to leave a company for bad behavior, customers wary of new products without asdurances they wont just become useless, non-reusable e-waste could also effectively curb this behavior

just because you want to outsource all of your product and company research to a law or regulation, and want to be able to blindly buy products and just hope the company doesn't make bad choices in every regard but quartly profits doesn't mean it is the only effective check & balance

I downvoted the comment above because in the original comment they already mentioned that they are no longer subscribed to Spotify, which makes the "stop being a customer" comment exceedingly stupid and pointless.