Reminder... to Lefty – 1035 points –

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Not voting for Biden is supporting Trump. Not voting is supporting Trump.

This is the simple reality of the situation. Memes don't make a difference in vote totals even if they make you feel special about being the hero you think you are.

Voting for Biden or Trump is voting for the imperialistic fascist USA. The world doesn't care if you get free health care or a little more hands on fascism at home.

Sounds like you don't understand international politics. NATO is fucked if Trump gets in. If you're stupid, don't open your mouth

There's an enormous amount of straight up Russian trolls pushing "don't vote Biden".

Look at @ archcomrade

He doesn't even deny it. I got banned on political memes for calling him out on it.

Not voting for Biden is direct support for Trump, who is Putin's bitch.

what. yes, the world very much cares. we're talking about the USA here; everything that happens there affects us all. also is your solution to imperialistic fascism not participating in the elections? lol

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