[Axios] Texas Democrat enters race to unseat Ted Cruz

BigFig@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 368 points –
Texas Democrat enters race to unseat Ted Cruz

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1328094

Texas state Sen. Roland Gutierrez, since news outlets have a phobia of putting the damn name in the title


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Snowballs chance unfortunately. I understand getting a Democrat to win in Texas is effectively impossible.

Its not though. We used to be a Democrat bastion pre southern strategy. People need to get back to voting in their own interest and not party lines. I suppose step one is even voting to begin with...

We used to be a Democrat bastion pre southern strategy

So when the Democrats were the racists?

Not entirely. You should work on your black and white view of the world.

To be fair, they're not entirely wrong. Democrats back then were mostly racist Dixiecrats who switched to the Republican party because the national Democratic party decided to push for the Civil Rights Act

Why do you assume I thought it was only black and white? Obviously they were all racist to some degree, that's just how it was at the time. It's just the Southern Democrats were more racist than others... cause that's who had power in the south back then. Much like their Southern Republican compatriots have quite a bit of power now.

Just because my comment was pithy doesn't mean it didn't have truth in it.

Oh cool, thanks. I have friends in Texas and they make it sound like it could never happen.

It is going to be a tough battle and we will have to fight every attempt to stop it. The republicans have built state government in a way to try and make it as difficult as possible for a democrat to take over. But it is never impossible. We also tend to be pessimistic on this topic

I understand getting a Democrat to win in Texas is effectively impossible.

For statewide offices it's our low turnout. The populations of the Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio metros outnumber the rest of the state and generally vote blue. We need to get the non-voters out to the polls to flip the US Senators, Governor, Lt Governor, and Attorney General. Then we.can make headway on gerrymandering.

Honestly between this guy and Allred there is a chance to get rid of Ralphie

Every election the GOP margin of victory in Texas shrinks. Beto was within 3 points after saying he'd take people's guns. A strong candidate from the Democrats can absolutely win a statewide election in Texas.