Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them" to World – 532 points –
Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

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Israel dismisses any and all criticism, and always complains about medieval history as an ad hominem attack. Turkey complains about Israel killing Turkish civilians? Israel replies something about Turkey mistreating Armenians. German government complains about mistreatment of Palestinians? Call them modern Nazis. Now Spain gets derided as something from nearly 600 years ago.

The Armenian genocide wasn't that long ago, it happened during my grandmother's lifetime, and the current leader of Turkey still denies it was a genocide. But bringing up the Spanish inquisition in 2024 is wack.

Armenian genocide could have happened yesterday, OP was drawing attention to the raging whataboutism that forms a central pillar of Israeli politics.

Yeah, I get that. I just wanted to clarify that it was a lot more recent than the middle ages, especially with how much genocide denial has been attempting to minimize those atrocities lately.

"UK wants to talk about a Healthcare System mere centuries after their mismanaged handling of the Bubonic plague?" - Israel probably

I mean what else can someone say about Spain?

"You no good, uhh, soccer playing, erm, siesta taking...urm... flamenco...look over there, it's the Spanish inquisition!"

Dear Israel: If everyone is a fascist but you, maybe YOU'RE the fascist?