Sanders reups vow to boycott ‘war criminal’ Netanyahu’s address to Congress to politics – 298 points –

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Accepting money does not make a politician beholden to the donator. Especially so if the donor changes position on the value of civilian lives after providing the donation.

Just ask Chuck Schumer, who accepted $1.7M and still publicly called for Netanyahu’s resignation while labeling him as the obstacle of peace in this conflict.

Accepting money does not make a politician beholden to the donator.

Good lord how low the bar has become. Trying to argue that bribes are fine and dont influence anyone. Bribes from a foreign country engaged in genocide.

I’m saying if they pay for favor, then commit atrocities, the deal’s off. Listen to Shumer’s speech. Does that sound like a guy that was bought with $1.7M?

Schumer was one of the people who invited Netanyahu to directly and publicly provide his employees with their marching orders.

provide his employees with their marching orders.

Care to provide evidence of this??

That congress does whatever Netanyahu wants? They overwhelmingly voted against conditioning aid to Israel while Netanyahu was obviously committing a genocide.

So… no proof then. Admit you’re here with misinformation, and we can move on.

I offered my rationale for my statement. Which was a formality since you intended to dismiss in bad faith anything I said.

So for those following at home…

Reality: 1

Ensign_Crab: 0

Oh no. You baselessly declared victory after dismissing my comment in bad faith. How will I survive?

Bad faith? I simply asked you to support your statement with proof. Are you so delicate that your rhetoric can’t even be scrutinized without becoming a victim?

I provided my rationale. You dismissed it, and you were going to dismiss it regardless of what I said. That's bad faith.

without becoming a victim?

Republicans insist that anyone who disagrees with them is playing the victim.

I asked you to prove your words, you refused because you cannot. Then you make excuses and accusations to explain your cowardice.

This is all that needed be shown. As I believe all bad-faith statements should be called out… my work is done here.

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Reported as misinformation. Please Google before hitting the report button.

"The invitation from House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, along with Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries, has been in the works for some time. No date for the speech was set."

The article you linked to indicates that Schumer's invite to Netanyahu came after it was clear that Netanyahu was committing genocide:

Johnson first suggested inviting the Israeli leader, saying it would be “a great honor of mine” to invite him. That came soon after Schumer, who is the highest ranking Jewish elected official in the U.S., had delivered a stinging rebuke of Netanyahu. Schumer said in the speech that Netanyahu had “lost his way” amid the Israeli bombing campaign in Gaza.

Even so, Schumer had said he would join in the invitation because “our relationship with Israel is ironclad and transcends any one prime minister or president.”

Schumer invited Netanyahu AFTER the genocide commenced. I'm confident that my comment was not misinformation.

Correct, which is why I ignored the report on it and posted the link. ;)

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Yes, nuance is hard. Sorry the news made you sad. I hope you feel better soon.

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