Pioneering ‘shark skin’ tech could propel China ahead of US in jet engine race

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ to – -7 points –
Pioneering ‘shark skin’ tech could propel China ahead of US in jet engine race

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You know what else air defense can’t shoot down effectively? Stealth bombers. Also being hard to soot down doesn’t help if there’s already a better option.

Oh yeah, that must be the reason US and Israel never fly them anywhere close to S400 systems in Syria. 😂

Russia’s don’t cost much because they’re just old ballistic missiles strapped to a plane, nothing particularly hard to shoot down about those. China’s cost accounting is very opaque, so we can’t really get an idea of how much they cost. But anyway, what matters for whether they are useful to the US is the cost the US would pay, not China.

Whatever helps you cope little buddy.

Hypersonic missiles for hitting ground targets are an expensive stop gap for before you’ve developed stealth bombers.

[citations needed]

I love how you just make stuff up here when faced with obvious inferiority of western technology and industrial capacity. There's going to be so much coping for you to do in the coming years. Hope you have a good copium dealer.

US and Israel never fly them anywhere close to S400

Israel has b2s? That's news to me! But it does make sense not to give to much signature info if there are other options available.

Why is China developing the h20 if hypersonics are always the best option?

Nobody flies b2s anywhere. Hypersonics are often launched from jets. Amazing that you can't put two and two together. These technologies aren't mutually exclusive.

Why use them against asymmetric threats? Why in the world would you build a penetration bomber and then have it launch standoff munitions? The penetration role is mutually exclusive, no need to have two ways to do it.

It's like you don't understand that these bombers were mass produced before ICBMs were developed. It's just an example of legacy tech that US overinvested in. You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about, and it shows. 😂

B52s were mas produced, only 21 b2s were built. B2s started in 97, after icbms. Which are you taking about?

So are stealth bombers effective? If so, you don't need hypersonics against land targets. If not, China is wasting billions on the h20. You can't have it both ways.

If you don't understand the advantage a hypersonic weapon has over a stealth bomber, I really can't help you. 😂

But why both? They offer the same penetration capability.

They clearly don't. Hypersonics can hit targets from a huge range in minutes, and they're nearly impossible to stop. This has been proven in actual use. They're also much easier to hide, cheaper to maintain and to produce. In fact, hypesonic weapons is precisely what you'd use to take out bombers on an airfield. These are just a few obvious things off top of my head. There's been plenty written on the subject by many experts. Maybe go read up on that instead of trolling here?

So why build the h20 if it doesn't need to be stealth?

It's like asking why have a hammer and a screwdriver. Absolutely incredible that you can't understand that different tools have different uses. I mean you've literally just disproved your whole thesis here. If bombers served the same purpose as hypersonics, then China would just build stealth bombers. Instead, they're producing both. The reality is that you're just coping with the fact that US is falling behind technologically.

What use case does a hypersonic fill that the US needs? Seems like you were saying ground air defense (like s400) penetration, but that's what stealth bombers do. Or if stealth bombers don't do that, what do they do?

Anyway, why do you think is the reason the US doesn't have hypersonics, and why is that reason is the same as why they won't put shark skin in their engines?

Nobody has actually seen a stealth bomber do that in practice. In fact, this is what happened last time US tried using one

Anyway, why do you think is the reason the US doesn’t have hypersonics, and why is that reason is the same as why they won’t put shark skin in their engines?

Because US is technologically behind due to having a piss poor education system and not being able to poach talent from around the world the way it used to. US is a decaying empire that's spiralling the drain right now.

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