Maldives will ban Israelis from entering the country over the war in Gaza to World – 646 points –
Maldives will ban Israelis from entering the country over the war in Gaza

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This is ubelievably dumb. Israel is not even a democracy. Yes, they may have some democratic laws, but they are also 70+ years under the state of emergency. There isn't free press. Israelis are getting locked up for protesting for peace, for refusing to fight in a apartheid war, even for liking facebook comments supporting Palestine. Aplying collective punishment / collective responsibility under such circumstances (as generally under any circumstances) not only doesn't support the plight of palestinian refugees, it goes against it!

I understand their (Maledives) motivation, but this is not the way. You can't punish all Palestinians for the crimes of the few, nor can you punish all Israelies for the crimes of the many.

Go ahead and downvote me.

Go ahead and downvote me.

I got you bro

Thank you! I don't think I've been this proud for getting down voted lately. And I don't blame you - I hope your motivation is same as mine - to end the tragedy that is currently happening in Gaza ASAP. IMO - You just aren't terribly adult about it, but I trust that you will get there <3

I wasn't going to downvote until I saw the attempt at reverse psychology. Just make your point, don't try to manipulate the results.

I expected to get downvoted, I got downvoted, I am not angry. Reverse psychology? Manipulate? Are you 100% sure you are not talking about yourself?

I get your point, but I don't think the ones who protest are the ones vacationing in a luxury island. I assume majority of them are rich or spoilt assholes.

That is exactly the point - I don't think one can use terms like "majority" and "assume" to justify collective punishment, because that is exactly what the Israelis are doing right now.(But I am obviously wrong )

The other options (as I see them are to do nothing and let this happen without comment, or try to specifically target settlers. But I don't think the Maldives are out of line banning all Israelis considering how widespread Israeli settlers are (close to 10% of the population) and the shit they do to Palestinians....