Google AI making up recalls that didn’t happen to – 1600 points –

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Sadly there's really no other search engine with a database as big as Google. We goofed by heavily relying on Google.

Kagi is pretty awesome. I never directly use Google search on any of my devices anymore, been on Kagi for going on a year.

I just started the Kagi trial this morning, so far I'm impressed how accurate and fast it is. Do you find 300 searches is enough or do you pay for unlimited?

Interesting.. sadly paid service.

I use perplexity, I just have to get into the habit of not going straight to google for my searches.

I do think it's worth the money however, especially since it allows you to cutomize your search results by white-/blacklisting sites and making certain sites rank higher or lower based on your direct feedback. Plus, I like their approach to openness and considerations on how to improve searching without bogging down the standard search.