Windows Recall demands an extraordinary level of trust that Microsoft hasn’t earned | Op-ed: The risks to Recall are way too high for security to be secondary to – 793 points –
Windows Recall demands an extraordinary level of trust that Microsoft hasn’t earned

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While initially all the screenshots will be stored locally (where people who own your computer through malware can access it), the time will come where Microsoft will deem it "necessary" to store them online, "for safety reasons". Then the race is open: Will they fall prey to hackers and data leaks before they can happily exploit the data themselves?

Or they go the WhatsApp way and offer users a free "online backup" of the data, unencrypted, turned on by default.

Whatsapp is doing this? How do I turn it off?


Settings, Chat, Chat Backup

Was on me for me even though I never okayed it

Shit should be barebones by default. Features should always be opt in.

You can have the backups encrypted and stored in a google account.