Is a peanut butter sandwich a balanced meal? to No Stupid – 62 points –

I mean carbs in the bread, proteins and fat in the peanut butter. Use wholemeal bread for fibers.

Or are proportions off compared to recommendations?


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More than that, most peanut butter has a lot of hydrogenated vegetable fats which are likely much worse than a bit of sugar.

If the package doesn't have a tablespoon of peanut oil or so pooling at the top when you first open it, that you then need to mix it in, it's hydrogenated.

Raw/natural PB tastes so much better anyways. I can’t buy anything else since I’ve tasted it.

Respectfully disagree. The super sweet creamy peanut butter from my childhood is one of the best tasting foods on the planet. Real peanut butter tastes like health food by comparison.

You can also check the ingredients. It should have exactly one ingredient, and that's peanuts. Maybe salt too.

Don't forget that the valuable peanut oil is separated hydraulically which fractures the peanut meal, and then they add back cheaper soybean oil.

(Side note: That's why it separates, and that's why even organic peanut butter separates, it's because it's been hydraulically fractured)

In my opinion, the only peanut butter that is worth a damn is fresh crushed from unsalted roasted peanuts.

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