In 2017, I bought a 1TB 960 Evo for 466€. Now, in 2023 the 1TB 970 Evo Plus is 43€. to – 1253 points –

It's incredible how much the prices have fallen and that's how it should be. Sure, I bought the 960 close to launch but still the difference is staggering.

The 960 Evo still chugs along albeit it's a new one because a few months after I bought it, I had to RMA it. I guess that's what happens when you are an early adopter. I lost a few hours of work when the original 960 Evo decided to stop working but it also taught me to be more paranoia with backups.


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Deflation is beautiful, send more of those

It's only deflated because our storage needs have vastly inflated! This is like 6 AAA games and maybe a couple movies

How many AAA games do you keep installed at the same time? I max out at maybe three, personally. Realistically I'd be more than content with just two: current game + next game.

I like to be able to just pick a random game and start playing, so I always have 100+ games installed.

For a sense of scale the entire Atari 2600 Library could fit on a floppy multiple times over.

Yes, and I also think this is because there are more and more storage providers

Honestly storage requirements haven't gone up that much since 2014. Storage speed did go up tho