A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch

Stopthatgirl7@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 801 points –
A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies | TechCrunch

Artists have finally had enough with Meta’s predatory AI policies, but Meta’s loss is Cara’s gain. An artist-run, anti-AI social platform, Cara has grown from 40,000 to 650,000 users within the last week, catapulting it to the top of the App Store charts.

Instagram is a necessity for many artists, who use the platform to promote their work and solicit paying clients. But Meta is using public posts to train its generative AI systems, and only European users can opt out, since they’re protected by GDPR laws. Generative AI has become so front-and-center on Meta’s apps that artists reached their breaking point


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What do you mean by this?:

Cara, bans us from removing malicious source code

Is there obviously malicious source code? Is there a policy that specifically says we can't remove any source code? Is this even open source?

'Open source' is created to subvert libre software. The ban alone is a 🚩 red flag.

Waht is "libre software"? this is a totally new term to me and searching for it has turned up nothing.

Literally the first search result is here but even better is this video here.

You understand that search results are different for different people, right? I've been a dev for... an embarrassingly long time, I've never heard "libreware" outside of specifically the libreoffice suite. Sorry I'm not as in-tune with the slang as you are or whatever.

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What ban?

They're using loaded language to say that without access to the source code and the ability to modify it, Cara could start behaving in a way you don't like and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Source, or did they include an AGPL, libre software license?

What does copyright law have to do with a ban on removing malicious code?

What do you think bans it? Copyright law, unless they include, for example, a libre software license.

You realize that copyright law still applies... whether you add some additional license to your software or not... right?

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