Yuntai: Hiker finds pipe feeding China's tallest waterfall to World – 469 points –
Yuntai: Hiker finds pipe feeding China's tallest waterfall

A controversy over a waterfall has cascaded into a social media storm in China, even prompting an explanation from the water body itself.

A hiker posted a video that showed the flow of water from Yuntai Mountain Waterfall - billed as China's tallest uninterrupted waterfall - was coming from a pipe built high into the rock face.

The clip has been liked more than 70,000 times since it was first posted on Monday. Operators of the Yuntai tourism park said that they made the "small enhancement" during the dry season so visitors would feel that their trip had been worthwhile.

"The one about how I went through all the hardship to the source of Yuntai Waterfall only to see a pipe," the caption of the video posted by user "Farisvov" reads.


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If every time comminism is tried, it turns into one specific bad thing, then wouldnt that mean that communism is inherently flawed?

I don't think so, no. If anything it shows it's difficult to achieve.

Ignoring whatever semantic arguments about socialism and communism, it's easier to just point out that statement isn't true.

Employee-owned businesses are socialist - in the actual definition of socialism where capital is owned by the workers. They work fine, maybe even better than capitalist businesses.

Fire departments are socialist - in a slightly different definition where a non-capital resource is owned by a community. They definitely work better than the capitalist versions that used to exist.

The problem with saying anything communist always fails is that they only call it communism when it fails. When it succeeds they just call it something else.

If every time someone is born, they die, then wouldn't that mean that life is inherently worthless?

True Communism has never been tried on a large scale. It's always authoritarians calling themselves Communist.

But yes, it is flawed in that humans are too tribal for it to work on a large scale.

Did you really just a "not true communism"?

I swear tankies are a meme.

I thought tankies are the ones who like the "not true communisms" of authoritarian countries. It seems to be becoming a general "person I disagree with" term nowadays. Do they usually say Communism is flawed?

Not necessarily, it could just mean that the vast majority of the time it would be legitimately implemented, a larger country that doesn't like communism spends a lot of time and money interfering with it

Russia and China are plenty big.

I wonder if there's a reason why I said "the vast majority" and "legitimately implemented"

Nah I'm sure I only picked those words because they sound nice

If you cant survive with the support of china behind you, your system is shit

In this very thread, like six parent comments up, it was already established that China is not communist

And I stated that state capitalism is communism by another name.

And I said you're wrong, because it's not. Let's just agree that you're wrong and stop wasting 1s and 0s