People who work in food service or customer service: What’s the dumbest thing a customer ever insisted was “the law” or “illegal”? to – 343 points –

Brought to you by my discovery that some people think that “the customer is always right” isn’t the slogan of a long-dead department store, but rather it’s an actual call the cops law.


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I once had a b2b customer (store owner) tell me that having different pricing for wholesale and retail customers was racist.

I'm pretty sure meant discriminatory but even that doesn't make much sense.

It absolutely does make sense because it is discriminatory. He's absolutely correct.

The mistake that you are making, is thinking that all forms of discrimination are bad. They're not. Most are in fact good. We just don't tend to call them discrimination.

He’s absolutely correct.

He said it was racist, so I'm gonna stick with he's not correct.

The mistake that you are making, is thinking that all forms of discrimination are bad.

I am aware of the formal and common uses of the word.

You're right that it's incorrect about the racism. I was referring to the discrimination aspect.

If you're aware, then why do you imply that it wasn't discrimination? Or did I misunderstand that?

The customer called it racist. The person you were responding to said that discrimination would be a better descriptor, but also that the customer was still silly for thinking they had a case because of it, regardless of what words the customer used.

It takes a certain kind of person to get upset that a store isn't treating you like an employee. What's next, demanding access to the private areas? Wait, people already do that too :(

The person I responded to said discriminatory didn't even make sense. I pointed out why it does make sense, because it is discriminatory and that's perfectly fine.

Yes, that's true and not in contrast with what I've said.

Wholesale customers buy in bulk. I'm sure the customer could get a discount for buying in bulk as well but they would end up spending way more money

Also, appart from the obvious restrictions, businesses can structure their prices however they like.

I use the word like that too. But not as a customer arguing with a business. Just with friends and family as an in joke.

Funny to hear it used that way but for srs.