Twitter seems to ban all Threads links to reaffirm its position as a “free speech absolutist” platform to – 1663 points –
Something odd is happening when you try and search Twitter for Threads links

A search for Threads content on Twitter currently brings up zero results, despite plenty of links to Meta’s microblogging rival being posted on the platform.


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And no one is surprised.

Elon made it clear shortly after taking over that "free speech" was speech he happened to agree with, and he had no intentions of ethical consistency on 'free speech' when it came to speech that was critical of him or his platform. Twitter already went nuclear on links to Mastadon and similar alternative platforms earlier this year while their dumpster fire was raging.

Fee speech, pay $8/mo to post hate speech at your leisure.

lmao that is such a good descriptor of what's going on there. Elon figured he could make money from racists wanting to be racist around normal people.

Anything I don't like = hate speech. Got it.

I don't like when people use their boosted presence to say that minorities are a threat and ought to be exterminated, yeah.

What's with people pretending we are talking about pineapple on pizza whenever hate speech is mentioned?

What’s with people pretending we are talking about pineapple on pizza whenever hate speech is mentioned?

Because some people (and reddit users in particular) use the strategy of putting everything in the same bag to silence dissent. All it takes is the majority calling 'pineapple on pizza' hate speech and now nobody can talk about it in fear of being called a hater.

All it takes is the majority calling ‘pineapple on pizza’ hate speech and now nobody can talk about it in fear of being called a hater.

Do you have a single example to back this up or are you ready to admit you're just talking out of your ass?

Do you have a single example to back this up or are you ready to admit you’re just talking out of your ass?

I do. Discussing whether trans women should be allowed to compete in women sports will get you branded as a transphobic right wing nazi in 99% of Reddit's subs, and probably banned too. Once you are labeled your arguments are moot, because you are a hater.

You'll find no lack of people with very good arguments about this matter, as well as many who are tired to rehash it over and over again when it has become very clear that many are not satisfied simply with setting rules for women's sports. There are people being radicalized through a minor issue into generalized hate. For an example, what is happening in US Florida is not about women's sports.

But I wasn't even talking about women's sports, I was referring to how there are people literally referring to minorities as subhuman and calling for them to be wiped out. Is that not hate enough for you?

For someone so concerned that your arguments might be mischaracterized, you sure are quick to make sweeping assumptions about people you don't know.

But I wasn’t even talking about women’s sports, I was referring to how there are people literally referring to minorities as subhuman and calling for them to be wiped out. Is that not hate enough for you?

Yes, I would consider referring to minorities as subhuman as hate speech. My point is how easily some people throw the phrase 'hate speech' to validate their own views and silence debate.

For someone so concerned that your arguments might be mischaracterized, you sure are quick to make sweeping assumptions about people you don’t know.

99% of the people in here are Reddit users, I know those very well. I created my Reddit account 13 years ago when it was a thriving site where you could have discussions just about any topic, instead of the echo chamber that it is today. That's why I will continue to call them out here, until eventually they take over like they did over Reddit and all dissenting opinions are banned.

But that point just doesn't apply to what I was saying.

Seems like you accumulated more resentment than understanding.

Do you really think coming up to someone out of the blue saying "anything I don’t like = hate speech" is going to lead to a reasonable debate? A lot of people would just dismiss you on the spot because clearly you have no respect for the opinion of people you lump into your preconceived expectations and no interest in understanding them.

And really, are you even actually talking to me? You are talking a lot about the things you argued with other people and the clashes you had before with other people. You are taken as granted that everyone using that same phrase must have the same opinion. You even seem to have completely forgot any discussion that had been going before you made it about your baggage.

So how is calling people out like this improving debate any? I'm not seeing it.

Excellent example, because almost none of you cared about women's sports in the slightest until you learned trans people were involved, so it's quite obvious you're making a fuss over it so you can have a "legitimate" excuse to spew bigotry. One very common argument I hear is "men shouldn't be allowed to compete in women's sports" which yes, this does in fact make you a transphobe, because as I'm sure it's been explained to you a thousand times by now, trans women are women, not men.

You can sit here and pretend "actshually it's about fairness in women's sports, not because we hate trans people," but the rest of us can see through your bullshit. We all know what it's really about.

which yes, this does in fact make you a transphobe

Thanks, you just proved my point.

Great, and you proved my point that reactionary pissbabies throw a fit every time they get rightfully called out for being bigots.

Go back to reddit, you're not welcome here.

Go back to reddit, you’re not welcome here.

No. You already sound like a reddit powermod.

Conservatives really hate it when their dog whistles get called out for what they are.

Lol are the goalposts so far gone that we are trying to imply hate speech just isn't a thing that exists anymore? They didn't say what was classified as hate speech, just that it is definitely on Twitter. If you don't believe there's hate speech on Twitter, well... I'd offer to sell you the Golden Gate Bridge but I don't want to take advantage of such low cognitive ability.

Yeah, I think what he said was that anything allowed by law would be permitted, whatever that means. But then when they started impeding links to mastodon he was like "we don't have to let you advertise our competition >>>:(." Elon/Twitter has gotten so tedious to hear about.

The thing there is that like ... it's not about consistency or values. The fact that he lied is meaningless to him, throwing it in his face is wasted effort. Communication is a tool to get what he wants, not a goal unto itself.