Donald Trump to Las Vegas rally attendees: "I don't care about you" to politics – 149 points –
Donald Trump to Las Vegas rally attendees: "I don't care about you"

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By November, Trump’s campaign slogan will just be, “Fuck you!”

His voters will cream.

"Oh yes degrade me more orange daddy!! Mmmfph"

All those angry Trump loving men just want their father to caress their asses gently between slaps, just like when they were kids.

It was as if they were placing their necks underneath the guillotine blade willingly… expectantly… hopefully… all in a great dare to see if fate could possibly stand up to their willful, entitled caprice.

They were met with a surprise…

Can't wait for a shirtless Trump on a Billboard taking a drag off a cigarette and exhaling the smoke with the text, "If you don't vote Trump... Fuck You!" Then flips the viewer off.

This was a Dutch satirical piece, a video of a politician of the 'party against people', in such the antisocial neoliberal is proudly staying how his party will screw people over. Indeed whilst smoking a cigarette..


I was referring to the 2006 movie Idiocracy

Finally an honest politician, one that stabs you in the front instead of stabbing you in the back