Chemical Makers Sue Over Rule to Rid Water of ‘Forever Chemicals’ to – 602 points –
Chemical Makers Sue Over Rule to Rid Water of ‘Forever Chemicals’

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It sounds like their only argument is “it’s expensive”, which I find somewhat comforting because then it sounds like they at least agree with the science.

It’s a shame lawmakers don’t put stipulations in that they cannot trickle down those costs to the consumers. It’s not our fault, and we shouldn’t be put in a damned if you do and damned if you don’t position.

Can we form a class-action lawsuit to sue anybody who raises our rates over this? Legit question.

That's always their argument and try to spin it as a US problem.

"You'll remove a LOT OF JOBS and make everything more expensive if you ban child labor!"

The conservatives ethos in a nutshell.

Doing the right thing is expensive, and the only thing in the world that actually matters is money, therefore we should be allowed to do the evil thing, otherwise you hate freedom…or something.