People who refuse to learn how to drive a car, why? to – 100 points –

M. 34

I'm currently studying for the theory and then the practice for the license and I hate it... But since I'm unemployed for like half a year now maybe it will give me more chances to get hired. Still I will avoid driving as much as possible, being on a highway scares me and I'm afraid of having an accident. Plus I wear glasses and I'm not sure if my reflexes or peripheral view are good enough...

So, what's your reason to not drive a car... money? For the environment? Are you afraid? You really don't need to?


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We have good public transport and I believe reading something on the way to be a better use of that time.

But you can read while behind the wheel of a Tesla 🙃

hits and kills kid crossing the road because Tesla is a lying piece of shit and their "self driving" doesn't actually work


You don't need an overpriced piece of junk for that. That's why american cars are plastered with useless safety instructions