“Complete Dehumanization”: Israel Killed Over 800 Palestinians in 11 Days

Keeponstalin@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 603 points –
“Complete Dehumanization”: Israel Killed Over 800 Palestinians in 11 Days

From June 1 to June 11, Israeli forces killed over 800 Palestinians and wounded over 2,400 as they carried out bombardments and raids across Gaza, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) reported. This is an average of over 72 Palestinians killed each day at the hands of Israeli forces.

This includes Israel’s assault of Nuseirat refugee camp on Saturday that killed 274 Palestinians, including 64 children, and injured 698 others, with Israeli forces carrying out one of the most deadly single attacks of their genocidal siege so far in order to retrieve four Israelis held hostage in Gaza. The attack was carried out on a bustling civilian center in the middle of the day, raising questions about whether Israeli forces violated international law.

The 11-day death toll also includes at least 70 Palestinians killed and over 300 wounded due to heavy Israeli shelling in central Gaza on June 4, MSF said; and at least 40 Palestinians killed and 74 wounded on June 6, when Israel bombed a UN school-turned-shelter in Nuseirat. The killings of hundreds of Palestinians in other Israeli attacks, ranging across southern, central and northern Gaza, in the first days of June have otherwise been largely ignored by news outlets, and are hardly documented by official sources.

Behind each death is a horrifying story of a Palestinian who lived through months of displacement, constant bombardment, hunger and likely the loss of family members, bearing witness to the 37,000 people killed by Israel in Gaza over eight months just to themselves be killed by Israeli forces. Survivors recall horrors, like children who recount being pulled out of the rubble of their homes, and the pervading smell of death.


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Is Hamas continuing to hold hostages really worth all of this death?

Hamas is refusing to agree to a ceasefire and release the hostages. So the death an destruction continues. How many more people will die while people far away from the conflict romanticize Hamas as noble "freedom fighters"?

Hamas has agreed to a permanent ceasefire and hostage release for months. Israel has refused anything other than a temporary pause, because they want to bomb Gaza regardless

How many more people will die from this violent Apartheid State commiting genocide?

Where did you hear this from? A website that shows you photos of crying Palestinians with a "donate" popup over it? Or from a monetized TikTok channel?

How many people have to die before people stop sending money to Hamas billionaires in Qatar that profit from the suffering of Palestinians (along with TikTok and many other sites)?

Where did you hear this from?

Reuters, BBC, AP Newswire, NYT, CNN, NBC, NPR, ABC, MSN, Yahoo, Sports Illustrated, Cat Fancy, the extremely Jewish deli at the corner, and every reputable news source on planet earth is reporting this.

Where are you hearing your news? Did they also try to sell you horse paste, colloidal silver elixir and survival powder?

Your comments are a textbook illustration of how every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. Never in history has a conservative entered a discussion in good faith. Never.

(Here comes the fake "bUt i'M NoT a CoNsErVaTiVe! cHeCkMaTe dUmMy!" in 3...2...)

Now you're just making things up and going full ad hominem.

You're wrong and you know it.

You have offered no defense, which is consistent with the amount of effort and honesty you've put into this entire exchange.

What do you hope to accomplish here on Lemmy, by the way? Serious question. Based on your comment history, your whole account seems dedicated to spreading Israel/Palestine misinformation. I freely admit to being dedicated to calling out the bullshit of conservatives (as I am doing now), but you seem to be pretending to just be a regular user who happens to post almost exclusively in defense of Israel. Suspicious is too light a word to describe the nature of your dedication to defending Israel here on Lemmy. And I say this as a Jew myself.

ata lo khakam maspik kdey laavod bmosad. Может быть, вы работаете на кого-то другого, да? Ou peut-être que j’ai mal compris et que vous aimez juste trop boire Molson.

It's obvious for anyone paying attention to the news. If you check the Ceasefire History, you see it every week.

Oct 9 2023 - Hamas official says group is open to discussions over truce with Israel - Reuters

Oct 16 2023 9:41 AM - Israel denies ceasefire in place to allow entrance of aid to Gaza - Times of Israel

Oct 27 2023 - Hamas official demands ceasefire for hostages to be released - Fox News

Oct 31 2023 - Fighting in Gaza intensifies as Netanyahu rejects calls for cease-fire - CBS

Nov 5 2023 - Israel rejects ceasefire calls as forces set to deepen offensive - Reuters

Nov 14 2023 - Hamas' armed wing says it is ready to free 70 Israeli hostages in return for a 5-day cease-fire - Business Insider

Nov 23 2023 Temp Ceasefire Begins 24th

Dec 1 2023 Temp Ceasefire Ends

Dec 8 2023 - U.S. vetoes ceasefire demand as UN secretary general warns Gaza 'at breaking point' - CBC

Dec 12 2023 1:31 PM - U.N. General Assembly votes in favor of cease-fire resolution 153-10; U.S. and Israel vote against - NBC

Dec 20 2023 - Hamas insists on end to Israel’s offensive in Gaza before hostage talks can begin - The Guardian

Dec 25 2023 - Hamas, Islamic Jihad reject Gaza gov. overhaul for permanent ceasefire, Egyptian sources say - Reuters

Jan 3 2024 - Hamas says there must be a permanent ceasefire deal in order for remaining hostages to be released - CNN

Jan 10 2024 - US defends its veto of call for Gaza cease-fire while Palestinians and others demand fighting stop - AP News

Jan 22 2024 - Hostage talks continue as Israel rejects Hamas demand for full IDF withdrawal and a permanent cease-fire - NBC

Jan 31 2024 - Netanyahu rejects Hamas conditions for ceasefire, refuses to release 'thousands of terrorists' - India TV

Feb 7 2024 - Hamas ceasefire proposal details - Reuters

Feb 14 2024 - Gaza cease-fire and hostage release talks appear to stall as Netanyahu and Hamas trade blame - AP News

Feb 20 2024 - US blocks ceasefire call with third UN veto in Israel-Hamas war - Reuters

Mar 6 2024 - Officials say Hamas has continued to press Israel for a commitment to a permanent cease-fire after a multistage release of all hostages, but Israel has refused. - NY Times

Mar 22, 2024 - Why Biden Proposed a UN (temporary) Ceasefire Resolution That Was Vetoed by Russia and China - Time

Apr 3, 2024- Hamas sticking to ceasefire conditions including Israeli Gaza pullout - Reuters

Apr 9, 2024 - Hamas says Israeli proposal fails to meet demands, but is under review - Reuters

Apr 15, 2024 - Hamas Offers Phased Release of Israeli Hostages After Six-week Gaza Cease-fire - Haaretz

Apr 26, 2024 - Hamas ‘serious’ about captives’ release but not without Gaza ceasefire - Al Jazeera

May 4, 2024 - Report: Hamas Accepts Gaza Cease-fire Deal; Israeli Officials Reject Prospect of War Ending - Haaretz

May 7, 2024 - What's in the three-phase ceasefire deal Hamas backs, but Israel does not? - Reuters

May 15, 2024 - Hamas chief says Israeli amendments on ceasefire proposal led to deadlock - Reuters

May 19, 2024 Why has an Israel-Hamas ceasefire been so elusive? A timeline of key moments in the search for peace - The Conversation

May 31, 2024 - Hamas says it 'positively' views Gaza ceasefire proposal set out by Biden - Reuters

June 4, 2024 - Hamas wants Israel to commit to permanent ceasefire, full withdrawal from Gaza - Reuters

June 11, 2024 - UN Security Council adopts a cease-fire resolution aimed at ending Israel-Hamas war in Gaza - AP News

A lot of Hamas viewing a ceasefire deal "postively" but not actually agreeing to anything realistic.

Right now Israel has agreed to the US proposed ceasefire deal. Hamas once again are saying they are looking at it "positively" without agreeing to it. The UN Security Council has a binding resolution which Hamas is ignoring now.

Ever consider that the people that brutally murdered over a thousand people in a day might be capable of lying? They talk a lot about wanting a ceasefire but it's all just talk. There's a ceasefire agreement in front of them right now... and there's just more talk from them.

Damn he did all that work to help you... I have a friend just like you. They send me videos of these clowns on YouTube that tie the most random events together to come to the most insane conclusions. Like trivial to disprove stuff. And they turn their channels into little echo chambers by pruning everything out of the comments that isn't "Thanks for speaking the truth!"

Whoever your YouTuber is, they are lying to you.

I keep up on the news. I've read most of those things before... when they happened.

You may feel like if you can show people the information you're getting from a youtuber or tiktoker will convince someone. But you didn't consider that someone that doesn't get their news from youtube and tiktok may have seen these things already along with some other information that your favourite youtube/tiktok personality didn't tell you about.

Social media just isn't a good news source. You're getting a filtered version of events. Read the newspaper every day, you'll be informed about things beyond a narrative from someone trying to appease an algorithm.

Israel isn't a good news source. You clearly don't read anything else. News articles, human rights reports, and books written by Historians who have exhaustively researched this conflict all disagree with you.

Year before Oct 7 - Jewish Voice for Peace

2023 is 'deadliest year' for Palestinian children say human rights groups (Oct 6th)

HRW Events of 2022 and HRW Events of 2023

Reports about how Israel is an Apartheid State:

Amnesty International Report

Human Rights Watch Report

B'TSelem Report with quick Explainer

The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948 - Nur Masalha

A History of Modern Palestine - Ilan Pappe

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe

The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories - Ilan Pappe

The Hundred Years' War on Palestine - Rashid Khalidi

The 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Origins and Consequences - Avi Shlaim

The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-development - Sara Roy

New Historian Aricles on One vs. Two State Solution:

How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution

‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe

Ever consider that the people that brutally murdered over a thousand people a day might be capable of lying?

How are you so willfully ignorant that you can't recognize how this applies to Israel, who has killed tens of thousands of people, the vast majority of women and children, and also injured three times as many people.

Israel has literally not agreed to the ceasefire proposal. Hamas has. Can you read beyond the title? The contention is that Hamas wants a assurance that Israel will follow the ceasefire. Israel wants to do the hostages swap, but only if they can continue bombing Palestinians afterwards.

Hamas did accept the peace deal. And it evaporated. Again. Israel is the one consistently sinking deals. Even to the point of telling Biden they support one and then publicly humiliating him when he announces they're on board.

Sure... let me know when Hamas actually agrees to the deal instead of just saying bullshit like "we look upon this positively."

Because the suffering of the Palestinians is the currency that powers Hamas.

Yup. The Hamas leaders in Qatar are literally billionaires from all of this. TikTok influencers are also making some serious money from their monetized videos about this. This truthout site linked about pops up asking for donations in front of an image of crying Palestinians.

The suffering of Palestinians is very profitable for a lot of people.

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