ACAB. to Lefty – 905 points –

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Woo, I disagree. I mean, statistically that can't be true.

Do you have a proposed alternative to law enforcement?

There are all sorts of ways to make police less shit. Maybe police should not have the means and freedom to arbitrarily apply violence. It doesn't take much imagination to think maybe acorn cop shouldn't have a gun.

Regulate law enforcement.

That's a much more convincing and realistic way to improve law enforcementn than calling them names.

ACAB is some insecure schoolyard taunt that doesn't help anything or affect the social conscience.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Other guards...this question was never as profound people thought it was.

I teach Latin and read comic books, what are the chances a similarly socially handicapable nerd would serve me up this phrase?

Not my job to convince you of anything.

I don't even know what you're talking about.

Sure, let's start with not making armed thugs the first line of defense. Your average traffic cop, contrary to what the bastards will say, doesn't need a gun. The presence of one only intensifies the situation.

Easy counterpoint: traffic stops are dangerous!

Counter to the counterpoint: they're only dangerous because cops are jumpy. A person being pulled over for a traffic stop is being interrupted - UNDER THREAT OF STATE SANCTIONED VIOLENCE for what most likely boils down to either a speeding ticket or an excuse to ID the driver. Naturally someone in that situation may do something rash.

Wellness checks. Those are a big one, too. Glen's suicidal, got his gun to his head? What should we do? Call 911 obviously! They'll send out someone with some mental health training. A paramedic at least! What do you mean they sent out a jacked up jackboot who won't stop shouting "drop your weapon"? He's already got a gun pointing at his own head, what's another gun do to help this situation?

I'm not a legal scholar. I don't claim to have all of the answers, and honestly yes - an armed protection force is probably a necessity, from a societal safety standpoint, but they absolutely do not need to be the first line.

I've been arguing for reform and regulations being a better answer chanting taunts in the other comments.

I agree with all of your proposals, especially the mental health suggestion.

People desperately need mental health and well-being support in the states.

Southern Occupation style military police detachment,

A soldier fresh out of bootcamp has more trigger discipline and de-escalation training than your typical blue bastard anyways, and the federal military answers to the federal government, so they can't negotiate qualified immunity agreements or any of that shit, and their funding is already provided, so no quota meeting traffic ticketing.

I agree about trigger discipline and de-escalation training, don't they also have training to dehumanize their opponent?

Maybe I'm missing something, what exactly is " Southern occupation style military police detachment"?

I will say right off the bat that I completely support way more training for police officers and a far more rigorous screening.

The post civil war occupation of the south.

It was basically a brief golden age for black leadership in the south because that's how "not letting anyone fuck around" the union occupation force was with the traitors.

It was so effective at cock blocking the terrorist little shitbags that the red second they had enough political leverage they had them disbanded and proceeded to immediately kick off the first golden age of the klan.

But you still think it's a good idea to use MPs in civilian metropolitan areas?

I'm not totally against the idea if only because there's so much more training.

Like you say, I'd be a little wary of retaliation with even more heavy-handed law enforcement.

If it's good enough to keep the racists rightfully terrified for their miserable lives, it's good enough for the rest of us to have a law enforcement infrastructure that actually protects and serves us.

It's at least worth looking into, although at this point I can't say I trust the civic virtue of the military any more than I trust the civic virtue of the police.